
As with any group of people claiming to be part of a "master race" they're very...selective...over who qualifies.

I love how you went from "some people won't agree with me and that's fine" to "some white guys simply won't accept the truth that I've laid out for them in my wall of text."

I took Javik around all the time during my first and only, so far, playthrough.

His nose is aesthetically displeasing to me.

The endings were color coded as if we were children attracted to bright lights and shiny metal. No matter what you'd done in the last three games, over hundreds of gameplay could choose one of three things that you were stuck with. No variation whatsoever. ME has always been about variation.

Glaring plot holes involving the Normany and it's crew and a "taste the rainbow" style cop out for dealing with the Reapers.

We disagree on the value of From Ashes. It was included with my N7 edition of ME3. If I had paid for it separately I would have been livid. Sure, Javik interacts with Shepard and the crew in ways that Zaeed and Kasumi did not, BUT they did interact with Shepard and the crew in cut scenes. The only difference is

"Day 1 DLC? Give me a break. It's not on-disc, it doesn't hurt not having the extra dude. If anything, I thought that piece of content is the way DLC should be done. Nowadays DLC are planned way ahead of time early in development."

The indoctrination theory is just some bullshit cooked up by desperate ME fans that couldn't accept that Bioware had no idea how to end the series, fucked up their execution, and decided to ship the game anyway because they knew they'd make money no matter what.

Some people defend it vehemently for the same reason some people attack it vehemently. Some people are just weird.

Ezio never looked prettier.

Sorry if I ruined your day by reversing the "ie" and adding an "n."

Lucas has gone too far! I refuse to buy this Special Edition.

It's also kind of funny that you guys are judging it as Tolkein by Franzetta when you could just as easily look at it as Franzetta by Tolkein. They're both artists.

You have to admit Eowyn's armor is relatively conservative for Franzetta.

I'm all for RR as Deadpool. I think he'd be perfect for the role. That said, if it's not going to happen soon then we should really move on and give it to someone else.

Fox will never let their Marvel licenses go. Not after the Avengers. They'll keep shitting into the toilet until gold comes out.

Wow, you did it again. You changed a one sentence post into a multi paragraph long bitter diatribe devoted to broad generalizations that dehumanize males(oh sorry now you've gone so far as just to target straight white males exclusively) while bemoaning the plight of females. Your entire argument is a straw man.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Who cares what percentage of the world's population is made up of women when you're talking about gender ratios pertaining to directors submitting to Cannes?

1) It's a hypothetical. The numbers I used were pulled directly from my ass to illustrate that proportions matter when constructing an educated answer.