
People who are fragile enough to have their media experiences ruined by learning out of context information about things they didn't even know about prior to reading said "spoilers" should stay far far away from the internet.

I played the shit out of MW and MW2. I got burnt out. I honestly prefer the variety of gameplay that BF offers, but yeah...Activision generally knows not to fuck with their customer base. Their greatest sin is making TOO MUCH of what their customers love...and overcharging for maps, but that's another issue that I

I thought that assuming he was a fanboy was being nice.

Kind of sick of the user servers already to be honest. Most of the available choices have really asinine settings like tickets that draw the game out forever or banned weapons. By banned they mean weapons that you can't use against them...usually doesn't apply to their team.

Oh hey what's up fanboy? Did you miss the part where this is DICE and EA? Not Microsoft. I don't think Microsoft has to justify shit to you when it comes to decisions that PUBLISHERS and DEVELOPERS make.

I hate myself for saying this, but I'd like a Scanner remake. From Cronenberg of course. Not saying that I think he'd actually do it.

I thought the ending was one of the dumbest and most insulting things I'd ever seen in a video game. It shit all over the hundreds of hours I'd put into the Mass Effect series.

I think 'honor above all' would preclude both the Dems and Repubs. Politicians in general really.

Why so mad? You don't work for Fox News do you? Fox News sometimes does boneheaded things when it comes to science. Often times they like to roll their eyes and laugh at those silly eggheads with their book learning and factimatictuals. Do you deny this?

The same could be said of Hawkeye at any point in his time with the Avengers for what...almost fifty years?

Captain American is the Captain. He tells others what to do and when to do it.

Oh hi hipster troll!

They are updating consoles as we speak. Unfortunately, they're updating them to the standards of about two years ago? There are valid reasons for this, but there's a cold reality that must be acknowledged.

Because they're held together by lightning.

The art style is diverging in weird directions so I see where you're coming from, but I'm going to guess those are supposed to be Storm Atronachs.

Wow. There's a lot of "true" fans here that don't really seem to enjoy Alien. If you're a "true" fan you can acknowledge the deficiencies of any of the given films while still maintaining at least a baseline level of enjoyment.

Anyone feel like some Shawarma?

No...I'd say that saying things like this, "It proves how intelligent I actually am," is proof of how intelligent you are.

99% of your 95% statistic is 100% pulled out of your ass sir.

Ultimately you should be placing value on Cumberbatch's character based on his performance when you see it. Not whether or not the actor is white/latino/etc etc etc.