
No, you're right too. Length isn't a sufficient means of measuring value. The game industry has shown that they put emphasis on new ways to fool consumers. Tacked on Multiplayer for example. If length were the final measurement they'd just fluff their games with things like level grinding etc etc etc.

You want to kill used games? You want to kill deep discount business models?

No, I got that he's grasping at straws to figure out a reason why he's still just the guy that made Populous and Black and White.

So it's not Microsoft's fault that his games have sucked for about a decade? It's the chair lady's fault.

Deus Ex was a really good game, but it benefited a lot from being a surprise hit. It had it's issues. The boss battles, the graphical glitches, lack of support after release etc etc.

Remember back in the way long ago when Bioware was a small studio that promised small things, but always delivered big?

It's amazingly easy to seriously hurt or kill someone with a knife. Two guys shooting each other? Good chance that one is going to die. Two guys knife fighting? Good chance that they're both going to die.

Ok...I'd like you or some other proponent of this article's main point to explain to me how a black person would be born amidst an all white population without a major environmental shift. If it's so easy to do and it's no leap in logic whatsoever then please...prove your point. Would you make them a mutant? No,

In the grim darkness of the far future there is only EA.

The Airmech robot mode sprite reminds me of an Elemental from BattleTech. Anyone else see it?

Why does having four tablet covers imply that someone has four tablets? You can remove and switch them out dude.

I thought the only really good quest in the game was Tuchanka. That was nicely done. Palaven was...ok, but lacked any sort of redeeming qualities outside of finding Garrus. The quest involving the Primarch's son was much better done.

I don't see a reason to complain really. It includes items that are game related, but not in-game related. None of this is something that you MUST have. It doesn't include a separate level or something that you can ONLY get by paying a premium rate.

This looks a lot like their designs depicting the Turtles in elseworlds settings back in the day. Mmm...trying to remember the name of one in particular. Melting Pot?

The suggestions from the other two posters could be true.

I got a Geth Infiltrator unlocked in a Premium Spectre Pack just before I had to log off. So sad.

How about people whining about the whining? Did it have some of that going on?

Who wanted this? Beside DC.


You seem to be under the impression that PAX isn't there soley to sell you shit. Who's crazy again?