
There was, but it was cancelled.

A lot of conservatives have already laid the blame of whatever befell this country during Bush's reign on Obama. They honestly think Bush was a great president if for no other reason than because he was a Republican President. Republicans can do no wrong.

I would have preferred that Ubisoft go further back in time. Assassin's Creed: Neolithic anyone?

See...this is my REAL account. All this for some marketing info?

Maybe he should just make better games instead of pissing on someone else's business model. Full disclosure: I was probably one of the five people in the world that bought Too Human brand new and liked it.

Yes, obviously 200K isn't sufficient to cover a program of that magnitude, but this is obviously a great waste of tax payer money.


This is way better than universal healthcare.

Why tell people to see the film? It, just like the Hunger Games film, is just an adaptation that ultimately pales in comparison to the author's original vision.

*In Anthropy's persuasive book the problem is a lack of plurality of voices. She rattles off the names of lesbian comic book creators and then opines, "Why are there no dykes in video games?"*

Blah, my wiki link didn't work very well. Google Rogers' Rangers if you've never heard of them.

Don't worry. He will. You didn't even have to ask him nicely.

I want this bundle. If only I wasn't being guilted into saving up for a trip out to NYC for my friend's wedding...

Better that he was wearing a bright red or blue jacket?

I really like the MGS and Baroness costumes.

She's very pretty. I seriously doubt she has trouble finding a man. More likely, trouble finding publicity.

best comment ever!

It's definitely fake.

...but can you f*** it?

"People did, they played Dragon Age II."