variableidentity01 used DERAILING in your argument and since it was you it was ok? You honestly going to say that most men look like Gambit or Nightcrawler? They both have idealized physiques. They have eight packs for fucks sake! Oh I get it...YOU framed the argument by speaking for all women saying that they don't care

Well then you should be aware of how incompetent Obsidian is.

I'm too cool to like games that other people like. much time did you put into Alpha Protocol?

Yep, first thing I tried. Thanks though.

I'll try twitter, but I don't expect much. I tried his facebook. I tried his website contact info. I get the feeling that neither party knows what's wrong so they're both just ignoring me. I don't know. I've tried various sources, but I don't believe I've found anyone else with the same problem.

I still can't play Cthulhu Saves the World. Bought it back in late October. It's always a black screen and then crash to dashboard. Neither Zeboyd or Microsoft will do shit for me.

This is Starbreeze. They make good games. Relax folks.

I checked this out randomly about eight(?) months ago on Netflix instant access and later forced my girlfriend to watch it. We both love it. Can't wait for the second string of three episodes. We were crushed when it got delayed.

Who could forget it?

Never said it wasn't good game. Just that it wasn't the best game of the year. Again, just my opinion.

Mmm...I don't really understand how someone can possibly portray Portal 2 as an underdog. It got more advertising than 90% of the games made, was released by, arguably, the most recognizable developer brand in gaming, and appears on "Best Of" lists across the internet. When it was released critics did everything

Millions? Hundreds, sure. The Brotherhood was getting it's ass handed to them in FO3. They'd splintered from the main Brotherhood and committed various atrocities on their way across North America. They were in the midst of a civil war between their new philosophy and the old. I saw an evolution of the

Six hours or less of gameplay with zero replayability does not equal GOTY.

So you're glad that a game everyone else liked lost out to a game you liked?

Do you not see the irony in making a case for Bethesda giving away a license in the comments section of the story above?

You realize that Fallout New Vegas was just a glorified mod of FO3 right?

Io9's pretty bad about arbitrary banning as well. Out of the Gawker blogs I think Kotaku shows the most restraint. They'll usually only ban you for a week if you piss one of them off.

Please give me my 30 seconds back sir.

There's a reason that, to this day, the population is focused on the coasts. Particularly on the eastern coast.