
Arguing about realism in regards to a video game about a zombie virus is inherently silly. I think it'll be ok.

You seem to think I was making a feminism related statement? Not my intention. It was actually about the reverse feminism that's the latest vogue on Gawker. That unless a female character fits a certain profile then she's been crafted solely for a male audience in mind and the character in question must then be

I can appreciate that she could be meant as an archetypal horror character, but I fail to see how that's being a 'bimbo.'

I guess it's just the lighting then? She looks blonde to me. I assumed the title was an error and he meant 'blonde' and not 'blind.'

I got to the part where the reviewer called Cliff B(I refuse to call an adult cliffy) a tinkerer and prone to perfecting things and I thought to myself...

The Locust scavenged guns they found. They're really old versions of the Lancer Assault Rifle. They married four together onto a turret mount. When going ghetto why take the time to remove them?

So, first FemShep and now this? you're going to ignore the fact that the PS2 outsold the PS3 at it's launch and for months afterwards so that you can repeat your original point?

Psst...he's trolling.

I just spammed three Typhoon pops and went about my business with the rest of the game that was actually great and enjoyable.

Are you serious? How old are you? Because I'm 30. I lived through those presidencies.

Yes...the best reason to buy a launch PS3 was to play PS2 games...and yet PS2s outsold PS3s.

You know why your argument holds no water whatsoever?

"lowest they've been in thirty years" Except the claim is not accurate.

Uh huh, and you believe everything that people tell you right?

Except that the first rule of professional politics for the last twenty years has been to not have any policies...

I don't think Sonic's interested in red rings...

He's an ultra conservative born again Mormon that uses his later novels as a soap box against a number of social issues. Mostly vitriolic in nature.

It's based in a world that takes place in his Empire novels. Empire is a Chair owned IP that was licensed out to Orson Scott Card.

Can I blame them for the bugs that litter every single release?