
How would he know?

Yep, it's a bullshit term so that, for instance, insurance agencies can get away with not giving you the service you pay them for.


I prefer American products made in China to Japanese products made in China and Taiwan. It's how the pros do it.

Battlefield 3 please. Thank you.

Friends for the Friendship God!

If you give her four she gives you the keycode to the storage container next to the basketball court. It's a level five so you might not even need the code.

She's a homeless woman in Detroit. Is she supposed to have an English accent and speak to your character through Sonnets? Has the author of this know...been to Detroit? Or the south side of Chicago. People really do speak like Letitia. Granted, I don't think the game makers at Eidos are operating

Multiplayer only skins.

Who's to say the artist didn't use that pic as inspiration? Replace Marcus with a Guardsman and Dom with a marine NOT talking cover and you've got a real subtle rib on Gears.

The guns are called Bolters. They fire .75 cal mass reactive rounds. So...they hit the target...go into the target...then explode.

Except that none of those were over the top designs...and they were seven out of about fifty Mechs.

There is no Macross, only Robotech. Robotech lacked people flying Mechs with guitars. Ok...Macross Plus is pretty cool.

Its cool that you clearly have no idea what Steel Battalion is and chose to use this opportunity to express your Japanese Mech fetish.

"But if no one buys the game new from those developers after it is made"

Most of sales revenue goes to the publishers.

How about calling it a "loot and scoot"? Nah, not very catchy...metroidvania just works. At least, until the gaming generation that remembers Metroid and Castlevania all die of diabetes and cancer.

Granted, but most games don't sell really well or really poorly. The system keeps going on and on though.

I don't hate publishers. I do get a little tired of them wanting more and more of my money for less and less product though...

Suffer the poor developers...oops...its actually their publishers. Developers are getting paid while, you know, making the game.