
The news shouldn't have a point of view. That makes it a collection of opinions meant to impart a specifically designed message to its audience...not news. "The News" should be reporting impartial facts. You're not being informed, you're being programmed. The same goes for morons that watch MSNBC.

You lost me at, "as a political scientist" and "Gallup Polls states..."

Only someone that doesn't know most Americans would care what most Americans think. Most Americans don't pay attention to politics until someone from "the other side" is in power.

@GohanEgret: No one I know that owns a Wii has it connected to their online service. I'd say that indicative of a lot of owners.

To all the folks who think the answer to this problem is to "not buy DLC":

@RockyRan: Being informed and knowing the facts can be two totally separate things unfortunately. :(

@Segador: It helps when they had so many other MMORPGs to rip off ideas from. :) Nowadays being "like WoW" is a death sentence.

@waclark57: Nope, space bar is fixed now. GF spilled a bit of coke on the laptop without telling me. Kind of annoying because I had to do a bit of dismantling and cleaning. I'd originally thought professional repairs were necessary hence my post letting you know that I wasn't ignoring you.

@waclark57: myspacebariscurrentlynotworkin....

@waclark57: "As for medicare/medicade you might want to do a little research and explain how $60 Billion in fraud is due to rising health care costs? Socialized medicine is a flop and it's been proven over and over in major countries all over the world. "

@JoRo1986: Ahh, roger. Sorry, I'm just used to people responding to anything I say thats even remotely liberal leaning with instant Obama rage even when he's never brought up.

@waclark57: "You can't arbitrarily decide that you'll obey some laws and not others" It has nothing to do with the conversation, but yeah...people do it all the time. Every state has laws in place that are completely ignored because they're left over from the past. Enforcing them today would be ridiculous and

@RevengaSweet: This is political grand standing. Nothing more. It will accomplish nothing, but galvanize Arizona's voters one way or another. Divisive politics at its best.

@JoRo1986: And what does that have to do with this? Are you trying to goad me into defending the President? Is he perfect? Nope. Has he done a great job so far? Nope. Has he managed to tackle issues that have been hanging over this country's head for decades? Yep. Will his solutions pan out into positive

@develin: Thats some wicked hyperbole sir.

@waclark57: The whole passport argument doesn't hold water. We're not talking about a foreign country. We're talking about this country. Our home. Do you get asked for your ID when you go from Wisconsin to Illinois? No. Are you arguing that we should? Or are you just using that example to strengthen an argument

Know what epitomizes this entire story?

Didn't buy the Activision Stimulus Package. Won't be buying this.

@ChaosBahamut: The more we jump the more hoops they'll put in front of us.