
Wow, because no one has ever been accused of being sexist/racist/homophobic/etc. for pointing out examples of sexism/racism/homophobia/etc. by persons with the strange, desperate need to deny what is so blindingly obvious to almost everybody.

Sorceress Irene is renowned for her great beauty. Her talents were only considered worthy when a man (Arnold Centaur) decreed them to be so. Her panties match her hair. This is such an important detail that it appears in Irene's wiki bio. That's the Very First example you thought to throw out to trump me.

A) No woman in the Xanth books (or any Piers Anthony that I remember) ever became anything like a "full magician" without a full on trial by objectification, sexual glorification, ir in the case of the Incarnations books, plain old sleeping around. Trials that were not required of the men.

Angela, being a woman does not exempt you from enjoying sexism or seeing women mistreated. My mother and I read all the Xanth books together when I was in Jr high and we enjoyed them together. She also did all the cooking and cleaning and my dad treated her like a servant. I am grateful now that we can talk about

I know that you are enjoy women being treated as objects, idiots, and villains in your stories. That you think it's meant to be fun when we needlessly sexualize women. I know you don't have the courage to admit that you are okay with that and that's pretty sad given that you're wasting effort trying to persuade people

When all you have is a tired cliche, you don't have to think about what people say or do.

If you don't have a problem with rampant sexism and unapologetic patriarchy, just say so. Don't pretend that they don't exist in the Xanth novels because you're okay with them. Xanth novels are meant to be silly and fun—at the expense of women over and over again.

In a word, no. The stories are okay when you're a pubescent 13yo boy, but when you grow up you recognize them for the sexist garbage that every adult who read them recognized them for when they were written. Why is that so hard to understand?

No, I guess I didn't see that.

Did you read that over before you posted that? I mean, you can make a conclusion, but without an argument, it's just bluster in the wind.

Jocala is a troll. Most of their account history is arguing with you. Ignore them and report their posts. It's pretty likely a sockpupptet account.

HAHAHAHAHAHHAH! "rainbow-hued fascist!" That is sooooooooo sweet! I am posting that on the wall at the Bar on Castro with "the Gay Agenda!"

Classic mansplaining. A classic!

No painting necessary. You seem to walk right into the portrait. Toodles!

Oh no, don't stop! It's obviously giving you such joy. Look at all the things you got to be right about. Go on, why don't you have a dig at me for double spacing after my periods sometimes, but not others. I could even take a big stand about period usage in online forums, so you could just correct me all day long.

Yes, I can see how that totally contradicts the offhand comment I made. Totally different! Please keep on digging. This is great!

Oh my god, I'm being mansplained to over the definition of mansplainging. Too rich!

I wish the trolls would let well enough alone.

I wish I'd find more intelligent replies and less obvious trolling.

I think that's a really good point, but I think it's really important not to treat sexism and misogyny like they are the same thing on a scale of actions against women. I think misogyny is a motivation, a feeling some men have about women, even at a very light scale, while sexism describes the affects of one gender