
"There is no evidence at all that one day some dude woke up and said "I really hate women, let's build a system to keep them down.""

I've reread a Ton of books from my childhood that held up, or if they were problematic it was in a way more reflective of the times. Piers Anthony was widely considered a sexist douche in the 80s and I don't see any reason why his childhood fans should examine their affection for such a pig.

Oh, I really don't think I fairly articulated my overwhelming contempt for the very idea of the "benevolent sexist." The benevolence you are describing oppresses half the population of the planet, permits people to rape women and get away with it time and time again, allows us to deny women livelihoods and

The similarity between "warm" and "scalding" is "heat." Misogyny motivates sexism. Sexism doesn't just happen. You're re-writing the English language based on your failure to understand what you are trying to deconstruct. I know it can hurt really bad to be called a misogynist. You don't get the privilege of changing

See, separating sexism from its root:Misogyny, is just apologizing for sexism, as if it were some understandable difference of opinion some people have. Sexism doesn't exist in a void any more than race based slavery and segregation did. It derives from a contempt of the subject of your discrimination based on

It's an intrinsic feature to Western culture, and all literature is rife with it. That said, fantasy and science fiction has always had standouts, Marion Zimmer Bradley wrote dozens of extremely strong novels about and including women, Anne McCaffrey, Ursula K. LeGuin, L.E. Modisett Jr., to name a few have mountains

Misogyny motivates sexism, but it's still misogyny. Sophist BS doesn't change the fact that a word means what it means. It's blowhards like you that are trying (desperately, it seems) to defuse the power of the word Misogyny by saying people don't really mean it when they say it.

"You can think women are inferior and need to be "protected" without hating or distrusting them. You may be a sexist prick, but that doesn't mean you hate women."

Bullshit. You're just gaslighting because you don't want there to be a word to describe what Misogyny means, which is Woman Hating. This article detailed brilliantly where and how Chameleon illustrates a hatred of women. Even if you don't agree with that argument, you are bullshitting us to pretend that the term was

The word misogyny is in the title. Brings out really bad trolls.

"Blah blah, I'm not an intellectual. Smart person dislikes something I like. I will act like I always disliked it, say Dismissive Thing about relevance of even saying anything about thing I'm upset is being disliked, but that I say I don't like either."

Your logic is awful. Try this: "So, I re-read a book that I've decided is sexist and misogynistic. Therefore,said book has no merit because the book is sexist and misogynistic."

As is listening to men reword and re-explain whatever it is a woman in their presence just said. I love the word.

That and that the power was undetectable, IIRC.

I really tried to read the Incarnations series all the way through. I felt that I was old enough (14) that I should be able to read such an "adult" novel. The creep vibe was too strong, after all, and I basically left Anthony behind.

I remember thinking that in relation to the Incarnation books, that Xanth were basically for "kids." Of course, I was 14 at the time, and not really versed in the heavy handed anti-women language that flew over the heads of most people until 3rd wave feminism started picking up what 2cnd wavers had left off.

Trolls trolling an article about finding something misogynistic? Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!