
She calls herself Twigs (although, if you want to have a pop, she was “twigs” - all e. e. cummings style!). Then after her first single came out there was a challenge from a pre-existing act called Twigs, so she adopted FKA (“Formerly Known As”) as a prefix.

Don’t they both pretty much hate the product, but did it just for the sweet sweet piles of monies? That’s the impression that I get.

I am a lovely person

The right hates Dan Savage because he’s happy to use their own rhetoric right back at them, and that he acknowledges that it’s not atheists who are making gay children kill themselves, and that it’s frequently religion that causes bigoted parents to force gay children to become homeless. And they hate that he actually

Thou shalt not fat-shame the fat-shamers, is that what you’re saying? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander is the way I see it.

Exactamundo. Ding ding ding!

I mean, if you’re not going to swear at a dude who punches out a 78-year-old man, who the hell are you going to swear at?

Yes it’s exactly like the old cliche; “Pot calling the kettle fat..” Of course it’s humorous! You know why? The man he wants to lose weight is a Brigadier General, the type of individual who plans, and approves strategy. Not the grunt who is in the field with that rucksack you liked to bring into your argument for

Not everything is for everyone.

It absolutely is not if you’re not much into action movies. If you are? Well, it’s easily one of the best ones ever made, and probably the best we have seen in many years. Things are really stale in that genre otherwise recently.

I am very fucking sorry you feel that way.

The only relative who would actually tell me to stop swearing would be my mother, and if she’s commenting, you’ll know, because she’ll specify it’s her.

Why is Pinkham the only GM writer that gets these kinds of comments? I’m beginning to suspect a relative is involved.

Once, as a teenager, I worked for a couple hours as a favor to my friend’s dad, handing out free samples of this really terrible energy bar at Costco. People will eat literally anything if it’s free and in a small accordion paper cup. This bar tasted like dirt rubbed in poo with some raisins in for a hellish texture

Um, Derrick? You can buy ENTIRE JARS.


Cept you’re one of the people I’m pretty sure I’ve seen doomsaying the project from the very beginning.

I’m really looking forward to this show, but didn’t a large amount of people who are saying it looks amazing today have an extra large hateboner on for it when they revealed Red Tornado a few years ago?

Am I a bad person because I can’t help but wish a lot of ill and harm would befall this horrible woman? I mean, I don’t wish her death, but I’d be fine if she were stuck with alopecia that would make all her hair fall out, or maybe some good ole fashioned boils and suppurating pustules about the face.