
Yes, but the rules are different.

man, why is it because someone has money they lose their rights to be treated with dignity? I’m not saying everything they said I agree with, but I don’t really understand why because they are millionaires it’s cool for us to show live video of them changing. Like, can’t we just wait until they leave the locker room?

No person of the opposite gender should be allowed in the locker room.

I don’t really care if Chicago deep dish is pizza or not, I just care that it’s goddamned terrible.

That makes sense, seeing as how cod isn’t real fish.

I don’t care what people say, I love the fake looking nacho cheese you get at stadiums or food stands. I buy it at the store too, comes in a can. I always ask what kind of cheese restaurants use for cheese fries, sorry I want the gooey yellow stuff, not shredded cheese that is barely melted and now forms a hard mat on

“Far for me to criticize someone’s parenting skill...”

Parents of a terminally ill child who want him to enjoy life and don’t give a fuck because oh god our child is going to die.

So what if it is? Who the fuck are you to judge?

If my internet calculations are correct, California uses on the order of 1o,000,000,000,000 (10 trillions) gallons of water per year. 12 million gallons is about 1/10,000,000 of that.

I do. They are absolved of this non-sin.

If people are too stupid to figure out that’s not advertising, it’s not the NFL’s fault.

So, it’s wrong to not disclose when you’re being paid for PR and advertising?

They put on the “honor the troop” deals. Not once have they claimed or presented it as being done for free. Try again.

Point 1 is very true. Point 2 has been debunked. The 32 teams individually pay taxes; the NFL is just a governing entity that doesn’t make money.

No, you absolutely cannot leave a weapon unsecured and unattended in the military. That is some UCMJ action there.

They want her to specifically emphasize her work for women’s equality instead of saying that she is fighting for equality overall. The word “Feminist” has been tainted by associations with people who either fight for women’s superiority or just hate men*, so some people shy away from it by not seeing it as a fight for

There are words in the article. They explain who made these drawings. It’s a pretty good read, too.

Jesus, what a beach this woman is.