
Haha, you're adorable. I guess if pulling that card makes you feel better about yourself, be my guest.

Yes!! That's a safe way to win any argument, just claim the only reason someone is taking the other side is becasue of a deep seated hatred for the subject matter. Yup, let's ignore the fact that hospitals spend millions and millions of dollars a year providing health care for illegal immigrants, and assume the reason

Yeah see, gotta disagree there. And let's not forget, these people all broke the law, not to mention are recieving health care they cannot pay for.

No. According to the CDC site, there are 41 outpatient hospitals visits per 100 people. 800 cases over 6 years is 133 a year, which comes out to a truely shocking .0000108% of outpatient hospital visits.

So you are fine with a woman pulling a fraud scam at the doctors? She didn’t present herself as an immigrant. She presented herself as a citizen with a fake I.D. and god know fake what else. If she had presented herself as an immigrant in need and they handed her over to the cops, then I would be pissed. But she was

Kinda lost the sympathy with me when I learned she was using a fake I.D.. Don’t do that. You can’t use fake I.D.s here even if you are a citizen. It’s a misdemeanor in some states and a more severe felony in others. This is more of a case of a woman being charged up for fraud who turned out to be an illegal immigrant.

In response to questions from the Press (like whether it’s Memorial Hermann policy to call the police if staffers suspect patients of being undocumented immigrants or of using fraudulent documents to obtain a spouse’s employer-provided healthcare), Memorial Hermann spokeswoman Alex Loessin said an email, “As you know,

You complain about cheating, the league makes new rules to prevent cheating, you complain about the rules.

Brady was in no way “cleared” by the judge although that is the story being pumped by the Brady team. The judge ruled he didn’t get due process therefore the suspension was lifted.

Sia is weird and crazy, and I love her so much. I will listen to her with her face covered, or not. Or in a box, or with a fox. I will listen to her here or there. I will listen to here everywhere. She is killer.

For God’s sake please do everyone - especially yourself - a favor and stop fucking talking.

That interesting. Why did you think I was talking about rape?

Failing to adjust your behavior based on the assumption that others would act in an immoral and illegal manner is neither poor judgement nor provocation. It is an indictment against the institution that permits such a mentality and a reminder that observers such as yourself are exercising poor judgement.

“She exercised poor judgment and provoked me, your honor.”

Your contribution is implicating the victim’s “judgement” in what happened as if there is ANY scenario where a beat down should or could even be a remote possibility when in fact that’s cigaretteburns-on-the-brain insane.

A teenage boy recognized that his girlfriend was more important than some bullshit tribalism? Alternately, he privileged his chances of having sex over bullshit tribalism.

Either way, I’m saying the kid made the right call.

No part of high school sports is important enough to warrant attacking another person

You take high school sports too seriously.

You know what we would do in high school if someone sat on the other side of the field and wore the color of our cross-town rivals of 50+ years (which we won last night by 33 points)?