And yet, at least 60 people seem to have figured it out.
And yet, at least 60 people seem to have figured it out.
I love how two different people have now accused me of ‘backpedaling’ about a comment that was so obviously flippant that the only way it could have been more obvious is if I had appended it with BY THE WAY, I’M BEING FLIPPANT HERE or NUMBER NOT TO BE TAKEN LITERALLY or something. Do you really need every little thing…
I could tell how serious you were in your original post .Everyone was right to nitpick over the possible salary figures. They are doing God’s work. (I hope this comment translates as I intend it to.)
Well I can’t possibly refute that. Solid logic.
Something tells me Aran is going to do just fine without this internship. Actually, Facebook probably would have just held him back from his true potential.
It’s also inaccurate. Horses put out a variable amount of hp, as much as 14+ for brief periods (like revving at the lights), but if working all day, may go less than one hp.
Yeah! That unit is such a dumb ass. Stupid horsepower too. Why pick horses over mules or turtles. It’s so arbitrary and its a dumbass as well
Greg Howard, I think the world of you. You give my brain boners like few other writers. And I generally agree with the sentiment behind this piece. But that doesn’t make for a very interesting comment, so LET’S NITPICK THIS MOTHERFUCKER.
I wasn’t aware that folks from Vermont were somehow incapable of seeing eye-to-eye with black people. Is this a genetic thing endemic to Vermontonians, something in the water, a learned behavior?
IDK, Bernie Sanders touting his “I marched with MLK” stuff sounds kinda like when people say “I’m not racist, I have a black friend!”
Really? Because he has a 100% rating from the NAACP. Do they not represent the interests of the black community anymore?
You realize you proved him 100% right? This is typical millenial bullshit: Snark at others’ solutions; have none of your own.
Yep. I understand the article but it doesn’t put forth an alternative. If you are asking what he’s doing to help discrimination, and his plan is helping the poor, which has more minorities, in order to get them educated and in positions of power, and you just say “THAT WON’T FIX EVERYTHING!” You’re right. What’s your…
“Seems like a very all-or-nothing take.”
Yeah, exactly. Good point.
What is colossally stupid is the number of people who criticize Sanders’s ideas (and Hamilton’s defense of them) without offering up ideas as to what Sanders/other candidates SHOULD do. It’s like you’re saying “Here’s a list of all this racist shit that’s wrong with this country!” And Sanders is like “OK, here is what…
Seems like a very all-or-nothing take. If Bernie can’t fix the problem 100%, on the day he takes office, then he’s ripe for criticism because he hasn’t done enough and won’t do enough in the future? Not really a fan of that analysis.
Question for you Greg (completely earnest and non-trolling): What, if any, attempts have been made to engage on a one-on-one or organization-to-organization (and yeah, I know Black Lives Matter isn’t an “organization” in that sense, but it’s still comprised of groups of people with similar policy objectives) level…
You know who else has the fucking Secret Service? Obama. You know who else has to face hecklers who get into his speeches? Obama. So that “Hillary has Secret Service” excuse is bull.
You’re totally right—instead of planning to alleviate racism with economic tools, Sanders should instead just plan to make every American sign a pledge stating “I won’t be racist.” That would be a much better solution.