
Luke Perry should take a few tips from Daniel Radcliffe. Here you go, Luke. How not to be an asshat, lesson #1.

I’m with ya but you make it difficult to agree with you with that annoying condescension.

...THIS, is the missed-opportunity Obi-Wan of my dreams.

The sentiments regarding “allegation as fact” are what I came here to write about. Thank you for doing this heavy lifting. I have been caught in this blast on more than one occasion “why are you not believing the victims” and have found it rather difficult to bear. You have pretty much captured my feelings on the

How not to have a productive discussion...

Of course, I forgot, there are no degrees of things, its black, or white, completely.

Eh. This is one issue where I diverge greatly from feminists on, probably due to my ethnicity. As a black man in America, I just can’t be so dismissive of the the existence of false allegations of rape and the impact that they have when they occur. Many an African-American man in the early-mid 20th century ended up

And bears are more precious than cows, or chickens, pigs because???? Go away troll.

If I lost a friend because of a petty reaction to a harmless thing, I’d be annoyed, but I’d move on with my life. This smacks of hyperbole, but everyone is entitled to overreact, I suppose.

If I were at a restaurant with a friend and I knew they felt this way, I would do my damnedest to get the servers to the table as stealthily and secretly as possible. Just to watch them squirm.

Did you read the article?

That sounds nice and idealistic, but I think the point is, altruism is not an effective driving mechanism for conservation.

... What? What does intelligent design have to do with any of this? Are you implying that farming is inexplicable? Really? It is not. It is very explicable. We maintain a population of organism so we can harvest individuals for our personal use indefinitely. It’s not hard to understand.

It is also concerning because it calls Rousey’s comments hostile, but there is nothing in the comments that can be reasonably interpreted as such unless you’re predisposed. You can debate all day if her concern is valid, but she doesn’t go off hating on trans athletes.

It doesn’t actually matter how much money ends up in local hands. If trophy hunter money = more game ranches (no matter who they’re owned by), then the net result is more game animals.

If only people of color killed by police got half the amount of attention as this lion*. Sigh.

“His dental practice is, ostensibly, funding a depraved and destructive lifestyle that his patients were most likely unaware of.”

I just wanted to jump in before everyone starts yelling at you and say FUCKING THANK YOU.