
I wish Ra's had stood up to Oliver's idiocy in the offer scene. Oliver's just spewing so much crap that he needs to get called on. "First off, we're called assassins because we love getting high. You can look that up. Historical fact. Secondly, you didn't seem so high-and-mighty about killing people when you murdered

I couldn't believe how poorly-plotted the case was this week. They win not because of clever legal maneuvering or great investigative work, but because the show within the show made a mistake that no TV show ever makes? And how would the Google logo wind up in three full minutes of television? What kind of show is

My theory was right along those lines - Archer, annoyed at Ray's newly annoying habit of tapping the 'close doors' button and blaming Maximum Overdrive, sabotaged the elevator so that it would get stuck on the top floor whenever someone did that. Then, not knowing about the cell phone jammer atop the elevator, he

They essentially had - what made it look so confusing was that there were revisions in blue and light blue, green and light green, and so on - I didn't envy the PAs trying to track down more and more obscure colours from local stationary stores.

I worked on Pluto Nash for a couple of days, and the thing I remember best was the cover page of a script I saw - it listed which colour pages were which revisions and which date they were from - it's completely normal for rewrites to happen during shooting, but this thing had nearly twenty different revisions, each

So Jax got a final wish from the MCs in exchange for not squaking about being executed - is he going to use it to keep his promise to the Reapers and let black bikers finally become full-on Sons of Anarchy?

That's just an educated guess, based on the complete non-survivability of having your car roll that many times with a crushed roof. Even if the cop didn't die, the various charges against him, added to his existing rap sheet, should ensure that he's done.

Is Teller Motors some kind of 'home free' zone? Now that Jax has fled arrest and gotten a cop killed in a high-speed chase, it seems like a big part of his planning should involve the fact that he's going to be on the run or in jail for the rest of his life.

Gotham, Episode 1: In which we learn that Bruno Heller has seen Miller's Crossing, but, unfortunately, James Gordon has not.

I'm hoping for Robson Green for Randyll Tarly. That guy would fit perfectly into the world of GoT. Also, where's Kevan Lannister?

I was just rewatching Season 2, and I couldn't help but notice what a huge mistake the producers made by not introducing Damphair by not having him drown Theon when he came home. Why switch his initiation to a generic baptism when you could have used that?

He's really presented more as a Torquemada type of figure. Humble, soft-spoken, obsessed with the spiritually healing power of deprivation and torment.

Again, Adrian Cross didn't try to sell anything - he was trying to give away everybody's codes so that things like the 3rd world war threatened by the episode could have been kept from happening.

1. Yeah, that's what bothered me the most as well. I guess they wanted Jaime and Tyrion to have a super-positive last scene (possibly last ever?) rather than the brutal exchange from the books. Although losing out on 'wherever whores go' is a tragedy.

"Mr Simpson, the tar fumes are making me dizzy."
"Yeah, they'll do that."

I always wanted to organize them 'Party, Judy, Maybe, Own' as the definitive horrible relationship quadrilogy, but since 'Maybe I Know' was recorded a while after the other three, it's hard to justify.

On the subject of Lesley Gore, it's easy to read 'You don't own me', which came soon after 'Judy's turn to cry' as a third song in the series, in which she acknowledges that yes, Johnny's kind of a jerk.

Just FYI, you really heavily repeat yourself in the last two paragraphs, Eric Thurm.

I enjoyed the show, but the ending of the water car episode, where they decide 'actually, the world doesn't really need free completely clean energy, thanks' kind of bothered me.