
Not that amazing - I watched the first Saul episode right before Better Call Saul started, and when Nacho showed up a couple of episodes in, I went back to the breaking bad episode to look for clues about what was coming.

It's possible - although Stars Hollow is also the kind of place where people just meander across the street at all times without looking both ways, so I'm still very concerned.

While getting psyched for the new season, I put together a video chronicling Lorelei's unfortunate habit of drinking and driving -…

Okay, it's crazy to put Dead Pool lower than The Enforcer. Otherwise it's a great article, but come on.

This is a pretty great Quincy, but it might have been just as interesting to check out the anti-Richard Pryor episode, which had the guts to take on pro-drug humour!

When I recently watched this episode, I was sad to see that the punks missed out on making some solid points during the Donahue show. Quincy says that at least the Hippies were trying to accomplish something, and the punks don't respond with 'and they failed because the system crushed them, so let's just burn it all

He's her twin, but her younger twin - one of Cersei's points of resentment is that even though she is the firstborn child, she doesn't get any of the respect associated with that.

I've been on Team Stannis from the start solely because Davos puts his faith in the guy. There's plenty of reasons to stop watching the show, but the loss of Davos would be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me.

Jamie's going to kill Cersei. I know that prophecies are hit and miss on this show, but everything Maggy the Frog said has happened, other than her being killed by her 'younger brother'. So Jaime's on deck for that.

Well, if we're being honest, that shape looks way more like a butt than a heart.

How is Aaron Stanford vs. Michael Bailey Smith from 'The Hills Have Eyes' not on this list? I don't much like the movie, but that scene is incredible, and the definitive 'punching above his weight class' sequence, literally and figuratively.

'The Thanos of the DC Universe'. Yowch. Even Jim Starlin just cringed. How hard is it to always credit Darkseid as 'the character who Thanos was blatantly plagiarized from'.

Well, it's definitely less than 20 years. I was hoping the episode would end with a 'Hey, we got the bad guy! Unfortunately the Statute of Limitations on his crimes ran out 12 years ago, so we just wasted two days of policework, but hey… Closure!'

What I want to know is how anyone can come away from watching 'The Staircase' thinking he was guilty. Even before you look online and find out the blood evidence was all done by the most incompetent blood spatter analyst in the world, just watching the show it's incredibly clear that he's innocent.


"If I Did It…" is the most incredibly frustrating read. You get through this entire book about his terrible relationship, and then on the night of the murder, an entirely new character 'Charlie' shows up, provokes the murder, maybe takes part (who knows?) helps him clean up, and then disappears. It's the worst

I think her campaign manager makes a good point - whatever differences in information Alicia had, she's still who she is. She didn't want to ditch her family, she didn't want to ruin Peter's career - I don't know if there's anything Will could have said that would have changed that.

I know erasing Will's message wasn't a small thing, but it's not like Alicia didn't embark on a multi-year affair with the guy afterwards. If she wanted to run away with him she had ample opportunities to do so.

To the haters' credit, perhaps putting no visual indicators of any kind onscreen to let people know where the entrances to the (absolutely vital to explore) dungeons were was something of a design flaw.

Wait, you're telling me that I the fireplace in the big cabin in the woods doesn't count towards what you have to do to get the flashlight? Man, would that have saved me some time and effort fifteen years ago.