I enjoyed the game and found the trailer to be amazing.
I enjoyed the game and found the trailer to be amazing.
your comment nailed it. it was that familiar music that drove chills up my spine and then the FF logo that makes me want this game more.
Wow. Looks incredible. I love the ending, with the FF arpeggio playing and Noctis saying "It's been a long time coming. Almost there." SURE HOPE SO.
I bet the car's name is "Chocobo" or some stupid shit.
But seriously. That and the yellowed circle pad. And whatever that crust is on the D-pad. Yeesh. Appetite for lunch right now -10.
Ew, seriously? No DPad no sale.
At least it wasnt pubic hair? Anyways that grime on the d-pad is disgusting too! I can't imagine what the rest of that person's stuff looks like.
It is not dirty. It's a cracked lacquer. I have this problem too.
That sounds horrible.
You can only use the analog. At least in the demo.
I don't get it. The game isnt even that execution heavy. Improper care of your hand-held might result in this.
Surprise: I am going to moderate the shit out of this discussion. Say something nice or don't say it at all.
I know this is going to be a thing... so I'm just going to start it now:
Don't you start in the house? How on earth did he get to Professor Oak's, collect and name the Charmander, and defeat another pokemon?
This is the internet folks!