This is a breaking story
This is a breaking story
The funny one I saw was complaining that Biden’s infrastructure bill did nothing to keep this from happening, like all the money in the world was gonna reinforce a bridge against a damn cargo ship running into it.
Yup, first thought I had too. Like that idiot in L.A. who gave his 17 year old son a Lamborghini Urus who then killed a woman after running a red and plowing into her at 100+. That ended up as an $18M settlement.
Yup, that’ll happen.
Or, and I’m just spit-balling here, but he could do nothing and berate/insult people that call him on it. Seems like an equally good plan.
I think the distinction here is it’s an automated cover offered from the factory. Is Rivian back to offering theirs? I’m sure they’d have the same issue.
does your silverado come with a powered cover that closes like a trunk ?
Given how brutal the sunshine gets here, that bed will literally turn into an oven during the summer. Tesla needs to implement the engineering change of the glow-in-the-dark handle yesterday. It gets so brutal here in AZ, that I can imagine a child dying within minutes of being stuck in such a hellhole.
Elon is probably ideologically opposed to making it easy for trapped women to run away.
TF2 was also a PvP game and it has a PvE mode. People were kind of expecting something like that with the Blizzard magic.
The vast amount of porn and fanfic of these characters disagree with you.
People want PvE because they want more story scenarios featuring these characters that aren’t vague nonsense hinted at by trailers. It’s a big reason why people got so upset about Overwatch 2.0
This is all down to useless leadership that rarely ever face consequences for their terrible, awful, no-good decisions.
And is a boomer with 12 kids.
Seriously, women pilots, male flight attendants, women doctors, male nurses*, what is this world coming to?!?!
I’ve heard from a few people in the Navy that women flat out make better pilots. Fighter pilots especially. Anecdata, but something people swore by.
He would have asked instead, “so what does a typical workweek look like for you as a CEO of an airline?”.
Came to say this. “Stewardess” isn’t a thing. What if a male flight attendant had shown up? This guy’s head would explode.
She says pilot FOUR times. And then he calls her a stewardess which is still not a correct term for flight attendant.
I am shocked, shocked I say, to learn that this guy is a Republican. /s