...not set to airplane mode which caused this whole mess.
...not set to airplane mode which caused this whole mess.
Meh, it could be worse. With my luck it would be this
News flash, “Airport restaurants are expensive.”
Ooh, I hope he managed to shoehorn in a comment about absentee fathers in black households!
David Brooks whines about everything.
Steam doesn’t use NFTs or a blockchain. They use a regular old database, which is a far better tool for this sort of thing.
They’re now claiming they can finally start using NFTs for their intended purpose, which is...something something contract or signature authentication or something something I dunno. It’s alluded to in this article. There is apparently some magical valuable “use” for NFTs beyond just overcharging people for a…
Cowering in fear of your brutal “I told you so”! It’s your time babayyyy!
You don’t need NFTs or blockchain to run a closed market for skins or whatever.
Whenever an article critical of NFTs was posted back in the day people would come out of the woodwork defending how valuable and revolutionary they would be and how you just “didn’t get it”. Where are those people now?
You’re right about infrastructure but this looks like a contractor ignoring all the clearly visible signs about where not to dig and who to call first if you have to. It's really hard to idiot-proof things when the idiots have equipment that says "Caterpillar" on the side.
It’s impressive you compacted so much bullshit into this statement.
That is such a lazy and played out white victim story you’re telling.
Uh, this journalist made sure that the video was turned over to the police and they charged the suspect with murder. It’s hard to make a media circus about law enforcement when they are actually doing their jobs.
When she reported the story it was not known that Probst was hit intentionally. She reported the facts of the day. It wasn’t until the video came out 12 days later that it was known to be intentional. Would you rather speculation?
What’s your actual point? People on bikes are hit and/or killed by cars with regularity, only with some of those being high-profile instances. A reporter put out a story about this retired policeman getting hit & killed, but then that reporter is attacked for mainstream media’s lack of attention on the matter? What…
Pretty sure we just learned everything we needed to about you, lol
I’m starting to think this Elon guy might not be that great.
There are a number of things from Fallout that aren’t in Starfield I’ve found kind of strange. They lifted the jetpacks from 76 but made them balanced for a universe where you regularly are in really low gravity...but maaan I’d kill for the VATS system from 76
Does anyone else think the rear wheels look too far forward? Just me?