
Yup. I’m not pressing the button multiple times because I think it’ll change faster. I’m doing it because I’m either bored or bored and wanting to annoy whoever is walking with me.

I’m a big fan of the ones when you push it it goes “beep” and when you release it goes “boop” so you can hold the button in to delay the “boop”.

I press it multiple times so I can make the voice guy go “wait wait wait wait wait waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait”

Dunno. Our five-year-old loves repeatedly pushing it to hear the “walk” come out of the speaker over-and-over. Then you push it enough times and it suddenly screams “WAIT TO WALK.”

Now playing

Counterpoint: this isn’t Fyre Fest. They weren’t tricked into being out there. They knew exactly what a desert and its conditions are. This is a lot of upper middle class (at the very least) to straight up 1%-ers cosplaying as poor, Mad Maxers for a few days while leaving a pile of shit behind and fucking up nature.

It looks like this and is a great place when BM is not happening.

It would be a real shame if Burning Man stopped being cool after this and just faded away into nothing.

Did the Range Rover get stuck or did it just break down as per usual?

Just because you are not in the 1% of the 1% doesn’t make you not rich. If you could afford the tickets (which are easily a couple of grand per per) and the cost of a van and the time off of work for this thing, you are rich. You just are not Bezos rich. You are still rich though.

People do pacifist runs in games all the time, have you never heard of them?

Complains about a thought out article discussing an attempt to play a game in a non-standard way.  Kotaku commenters at their typical.  lol

RPGs are one of the few types of games where going for a pacifist run should at least feel doable. The fact that Bethesda has still not found a way to make that happen is odd.

Feels like the argument loses a little in a post Baldur’s Gate 3 world. Obviously that’s not on Bethesda, they had no way of knowing that that game would release and rewrite the rules of an RPG, but it is an unfortunate reality.

I can sort of get what they’re saying but you’re right, it does go against the grain of this type of game specifically. On the one hand, Starfield with a quiet, contemplative life and avoidable combat is called No Man’s Sky. On the other hand there’s little story to follow or goal to pursue in NMS. An option tree that

Wow, I had no ideal the two nations harbored that type of tension.

Well, they’re working on that. From the article:

It looks like it’s just trying to incentivize busybodies to sue people. So, e.g., an ex-boyfriend who wants to control his ex-girlfriend might sue someone who gave her a ride out of state because unborn baby.

Like many Republican policies, this only targets the poor. This wont affect those that can afford to fly out of state.

I don’t understand how this can be enforced. Are they planning on having checkpoints on the highway? Pulling over cars with women of child bearing age and forcing them to submit to pregnancy tests on the side of the road? Will they start doing the same thing at airports?