
Right? Don’t they realize there are records of the withdrawals and that will lead to overdraft fees?

Absolutely. If the internet taught me anything it's that banks HATE this one trick. 

That "bank error in your favor" Monopoly card really gave people the wrong idea. 

Those people who took the free money are in for a real surprise later

For a brief moment a BOI ATM looked like a pot of gold, but in the end it was just fool’s gold and went back to being the usual bucket of shit.

Android guy here, and this is still pretty cool. Did you actually read the article? This isn’t just SOS that texts a family member, and per the article “Android users are still waiting for their equivalent feature”

Thank you for not replying to him and taking him out of the grays.

To Tanker27.. that “active” volcano hasn’t erupted in over 400 years, dipshit. You know you can easily verify that it wasn’t a fucking eruption that started these wildfires, right?

While you’re absolutely correct, logging truck drivers are even worse. Much worse.

The NYPD generally never ever do anything when drivers kill pedestrians or bicyclists. They are generally uninterested in anyone who isn’t themselves. Public servants they are not, by any definition.

They’ve always driven like the only way they can get into Valhalla is by dying in a 150 mph collision and taking as many people with them as humanly possible. I’ve always given dump trucks the widest berth possible. 

I hark about pedestrians needing to pay attention sometimes, but this is beyond that, this is malicious intent or at the very least gross negligence. And you should never run away, man up and accept it.

Those cheesy looking stickers applied to the plastic engine cover does not do it any favors. And its a PRE-PRODUCTION car and if nobody knows what that means, it means they are trying to work out all of the bugs before it goes into production for real. So if you buy this thing chances are you’ll find out what bolts

1 of 4 built on a Tuesday with overcast skies while a black cat passed left to right in front of the paint booth”

This is kinda like the old trope, “What do call the guy who graduated last in his class in medical school? Doctor!” This is just another older Mustang, it just happens to be one of the first in this particular model run. It’s in nice shape, but it doesn’t deserve a $5K or $10K premium just for being the oldest

A Ford with less quality than a regular Ford.

*looks at windshield lettering*

This may be the quickest I’ve ever scrolled down to hit the ND button. No, just no.

Honestly I open these articles every time in the vein hope that they will include an announcement for OW1 coming back or some kind of massive revamp that will put it back on track. They took a game I poured more than 1000 hours into and pretty much did everything they could to convert it from a great TF2 clone to a

As I said in the last one, ActiBliz doesn’t make quality games, they just want players with Stockholm syndrome and are using Blizzard’s rotted, old corpse to do it.