
Where I lived they moved the Greyhound station from the middle of downtown to the outskirts of downtown. There is a multimodal hub where the light rail and city buses stop at an Amtrak station. They left Greyhound out. The light rail stops quite a ways from the new Greyhound station. They make it really difficult to

I don’t really want to see it either, so that works out.

Running bottles and cans out to Michigan for the 10 cents wasn’t working so this was his next scheme.

He sent the cops paperwork about his crimes, with his name and address as the owner, which goes into the same database as stolen cars, and it still took them 3 months to find him?

Oh man, the passenger was killed. Imagine being the owner and ignoring all those notices (if that is indeed what happened, who knows?) and then a friend or loved one gets killed through your inaction. That would be shitty.

Stellantis says it sent six recall notices to the owner of the truck involved in the collision, but each went unanswered.

People are *extraordinarily* dumb when it comes to rushing water. Or water in general really. That stuff will kill ya, and Mother Nature will just laugh her ass off.

Oh, FFS. People, if you see a flash flood, move away from it as fast as you can. Failed roads like that are usually not done collapsing. Water levels can rise suddenly. Even one foot of fast moving water is enough to knock you off your feet, and if you get swept away, you stand a good chance of drowning. Even if you

Came here to say that; I was shouting at my screen telling her to get back. She prances up to the rim like it’s a purpose-built scenic lookout, and not just the broken edge of something that has already collapsed.

That first video, I would never walk up to a wash out like that. I would fear the wash out would grow and take out the earth beneath me. 

Well he can always get a job in America. 

You should also stop using it because its a Chinese owned company where most if not all companies are heavily monitored, controlled and connected to the CCP.

“Get your mind out of the gutter.  I’m a big supporter of my alma mater, the Univ of South Carolina Gamecocks!”

For the same reason they can deny you LOVECOCKS or anything like that. Long established precedent.

I’m sure the arguments for and against vulgarity on license plates and its relation to the 1st amendment are out there already, but I don’t know if the state is obligated to print your offensive or vulgar speech for you.

Not saying they don’t have their fair share of problems, but live in Hawaii...and this is what you’re upset about?

I like these types of stickers because they are a great indicator of what kind of person they are.

If true, does this mean that the Trump animatronic is trans?

Musk really should try living within his means.

Good, if you can kick regular folks out of houses who can’t pay their rent, you should be able to kick out billion dollar tech companies who fuck off and don’t pay their bills.