Ah, the one I’ve seen has been in the Haight. I’m sure there’s plenty around, though — only chickens where I am, lucky me! :(
Ah, the one I’ve seen has been in the Haight. I’m sure there’s plenty around, though — only chickens where I am, lucky me! :(
What neighborhood? I believe I have seen such a pig of late.
I work in tech and customers can’t see me (praises be) so I wear rolled jeans, Converse, and whatever t-shirt/sweater contains the least cat hair. Makeup happens whenever I feel I look extra tired, sometimes not even then. Hair is whatever it looked like when I sat up in bed, for the most part (night shower w…
Ha ha okay. That must be why you headdesked the keyboard and accidentally published a comment that implied you had opinions on the matter. Weird how that happened. The world, it’s a mystery.
I strongly doubt he/she could.
Let’s say they’re given anesthesia or pain killers. So what? I’m sure you’d be given something comparable when they cut your fingertips off, too.
Did YOU read the article? You’re missing the other, obvious option referenced in it: clip your cat’s nails on schedule. Don’t want to? You’re a shitty, lazy pet owner.
Please point to where I said deleting one factor would solve the whole puzzle. Please also point to where I said the housing crisis would abate if AirBnB ceased to be.
You’d have to be extremely obtuse indeed to refuse to acknowledge that the declining number of rentable units due to this AirBnB trend is causing a supply and demand nightmare and therefore higher rent averages.
Last time I trusted Jiffy was when I took in my automatic 4-cylinder snooze-fest Camry for a basic oil change. They put in the wrong filter, which proceeded to slowly unscrew itself as I drove 300 miles to visit family. My car abruptly shut off in the middle of an intersection with black smoke pouring out everywhere.…
Moving forward I plan on some version of “Irrelevant, and none of your business” which tends to shut most clueless people down. Anyone who pushes after that is an asshole.
THIS. If I suspect a movie/show will contain a sexual assault scene I’ll ask around for confirmation. If it does, I’ll skip it, don’t care how good the rest of it is.
You started with facts and reason and ended with a shaming insult. Way to asshole, asshole. “Oh, but he/she started it!” Okay, you’re a lazy low road asshole, then. Is the low road better for your feet?
My friend’s name is Vanessa and she stood waiting forever while the barista kept calling for VEESA to come get her damn drink.
FLUSH it? Are you insane? Never flush that shit, unless you hate the homeowner.
Eeeek noooo, least not on the first pass. I always do front-to-back first, to ensure any messiness I’m unaware of stays away from the goods. Then back-to-front. Then a million more times back and forth because I’m a clean freak and my dainty butt doesn’t chap easily, apparently. Only figuratively.
I wonder how many guys become ‘woke’ later in life, lonely and womanless, realizing they pissed their youth away for a trolling, woman-criticizing ideology that denied them their instincts? (Finding someone to feed and humor them.)
Hahaha. Is something still a fact if it’s not true?
This is me leaving the office and spending the rest of the day working from bed with my cats piled up around me.
Anthropologie large latte bowls. Those bitches are perfect for everything, they bring out new colors from time to time, so you too can have too many bowls simply because: http://www.anthropologie.com/anthro/product…