
I’m supporting Clinton because I think she’ll be a better general election candidate than Sanders and I think she’ll be a better president too. However I am also supporting her because she’s a woman. And everytime I see any sort of criticism of that line of thinking it just reinforces my belief that we have to

what if...I was realized that and I was talking to other commenters to facilitate discussion in what is always an echo chamber anyway? And what if I said outright I wasn’t referring to Stassa or criticizing her at all?

Thank you. I was actually about to type exactly the same words: “however the fuck she wants”. Regardless of how the Millennial Bernie Brigade thinks she should vote and the ever-so-subtle ways they come up with to say so.

Answer to the question: however the fuck she wants. The question is insulting (not that I’m pointing fingers at Stassa, just, you know, at the entire culture of this debate).


You know the difference between governance and politics, right?

“Hard to the left”? LMAO. If only they reported facts, like the earth being only being 6,000 years old, climate change being a hoax, and Obama’s fake birth certificate. Luckily, you have Rush Limbaugh to tell you the facts, Champ.

My favourite part of your comment is how you’re trying to equate Obama doing his job with the republicans being willful obstructionists who invent constitutional interpretations out of thin air.

No need to defend one of the best shows around. If people haven’t seen the past 3-4 seasons then it’s their fault.

Great, now I gotta feel defensive about liking South Park. I usually only have to do that every fall.

That’s because this article is 0% substance.

I am confused by your hatred of South Park and also by its alleged connection to Rand Paul.

“I’m most afraid of the same as the last four years. Nothing in life is free, and that’s what really needs to be fixed here and in the whole country. The people are living off the system. The people that are coming in and we’re helping out more than we’re helping out our own. And school has to be fixed, we’re paying

Running Windows on Mac is like having a Lotus, then buying a flatbed that you keep the Lotus on, and driving everywhere with the flatbed. Running Windows on a Mac is like living in your beautiful house with your perfect family but deciding to get with a crack ho on the side and inviting her to live with you. Running

And every competing agenda will find plenty to feed on in this mess. The the pro-immigrant, the anti-immigrant, the MRA, the feminists, the anti-feminists etc etc etc. Fun fun fun.

Because not trying to create controvery out of a mundane thing is financial suicide to gaming journalism these days.

Just going to point out that we have been able to suicide in games since they were created. Want to suicide in pong, don’t move the paddle. Want to suicide in Doom, shoot a rocket at your feet.

Welcome to the appropriately-titled blog “Adequate Man”.

Next up: I think ketchup tastes bad, so I don’t eat it: a 7000 word glimpse into the human soul.