
A surprising statement for a capitalist and a Republican - you’d think he’d be all over protecting the rights of the business. Of course, I don’t know how long it has been that Trump has actually said something that he’s sincere about, so who knows what he actually thinks.

Troll harder

I’m supporting Clinton because I think she’ll be a better general election candidate than Sanders and I think she’ll be a better president too. However I am also supporting her because she’s a woman. And everytime I see any sort of criticism of that line of thinking it just reinforces my belief that we have to

what if...I was realized that and I was talking to other commenters to facilitate discussion in what is always an echo chamber anyway? And what if I said outright I wasn’t referring to Stassa or criticizing her at all?

Thank you. I was actually about to type exactly the same words: “however the fuck she wants”. Regardless of how the Millennial Bernie Brigade thinks she should vote and the ever-so-subtle ways they come up with to say so.

Answer to the question: however the fuck she wants. The question is insulting (not that I’m pointing fingers at Stassa, just, you know, at the entire culture of this debate).


This reminds me of what my structures professor would pontificate on (well, when he wasn’t calling us idiots and screaming YOURE DOOMED before the tests). He’d go on a long monologue of being a pedestrian in multiple countries. Some countries favor drivers, others favor pedestrians and sometimes he’d forget which he

Hi! I’m just here for the drinking game:

Honestly, if you want to send money to people as simply and pain free as possible just use Google Wallet.

If I buy a safe at a garage sale, can I sue the manufacturer for not making a master key for the safe, therefore making the safe useless as an object to keep items private?

There’s something people tend to forget here: Apple is a global company. If this backdoor is created, what’s to stop an oppressive government from cracking open a person’s phone and charging them for a “morality crime?” Gay people in Iran and Russia could be put in danger. People could literally be killed over this.

Apple deliberately avoided making any way to circumvent a phones encryption. There is no “back door” to get around the encryption because by definition, such an opening would pose an immediate and severe vulnerability.

You know the difference between governance and politics, right?

“Hard to the left”? LMAO. If only they reported facts, like the earth being only being 6,000 years old, climate change being a hoax, and Obama’s fake birth certificate. Luckily, you have Rush Limbaugh to tell you the facts, Champ.

My favourite part of your comment is how you’re trying to equate Obama doing his job with the republicans being willful obstructionists who invent constitutional interpretations out of thin air.

No need to defend one of the best shows around. If people haven’t seen the past 3-4 seasons then it’s their fault.

Great, now I gotta feel defensive about liking South Park. I usually only have to do that every fall.

That’s because this article is 0% substance.