
On the day before release Sean Murray promised there was multiplayer in the game. There were a dozen other things promised in that interview. Not vagueoy hinted at,but explicity stated “were in the game”.

At this point if you are still throwing money at CIG you deserve to be scammed, honestly. This project has been *transparently* sketchy for years now, badly managed from the jump and never showed any signs of cohesion at any point.

Some well-placed marketing buzzwords is all it took for some people, and STILL all it

Question: why did people give $300m to this kickstarter? Does the company have a proven track record that made that seem like a good idea?

Yeah, at this point it was a fun oddity for me to mess around with for a while. If it comes together as a real game at some point, awesome, if not, oh well.

I do really feel bad for the people who spent thousands of dollars on ships, but I mean, I also think that was kind of a dumb move so.

I love that Star Citizen exists. I hate that CIG just may not pull it off. It’s like watching a ship builder build a triple-Titanic. I’d be happy with a normal, functioning Titanic. A triple-Titanic would be fucking amazing, but the longer its construction drags on, the more it seems like its gonna triple sink the

Chris Roberts leads development on a space sim that promises to be everything you’ve ever wanted, then goes way over-budget, gets delayed year after year, and in the meantime, they put out a dogfighting component to allay the anxiety of fans.

The Last of Us Part I and II came out in the timespan Star Citizen was since announced.

More like a roadmap to a roadmap for the roadmap.

Alex Trebek: “Star Citizen, Half-Life 3, Winds of Winter, Doors of Stone, functional American politics.”

Did they just... roadmap their roadmap?

At this rate I’m pretty sure Half Life 3 is going to come out before Star Citizen.