
funny you mention Porsche as they have HUGE problems of quality control and parts Breaking down and not working right. If you own a BMW you are

If you come to USA Illegally Get the F&^% out. If Legally then what the hell you worried about...

this guy works for deadspin, the shit-est of the shit sports BLOGER idiot sites. what does he know about hockey JACK shit.. But will they be bad probably..

I don’t see/hear any proof he wasn’t going for his gun. Just because one says im not reaching for it doesnt mean he wasn’t. I don’t know the details on where the gun was located but the cop had a fairly good look into the car to have a determination... Also with all the cop killers as of late It makes it dangerous to

I don’t tip cab drivers. I don’t tip bus drivers, I don’t tip pilots, I don’t tip at fast food. why should I tip a Uber Driver??? All you do is drive, what other service do you offer that a restaurant offers. Shitty music??

wind power is retarded.. less then .5% of the world is powered by wind. even after all the amounts of money poured into it.. Just to keep up with the growing demand year after year we would have to double the amount we have build since 2000. Or equal to the land mass of the UK full of wind power turbines every year.

exactly. Internet outrage is so false its sick... Tragedies  happen and they are terrible but posting your rage at someone else reaction is absolutely retarded.. so post your fake BS rage some where else. Fake emoji sad face makes me want to Puke and punch you in the face..

Just cause your white doesnt mean your not one lol... Go back to beating your wife - its what you know...

u sound like you need to seek help and are proving to be what she said. OUCH!!!

So its ok to respond with violence if someone talks crap at u?????? he proved himself to be a idiot just like her...   

thanks arm chair warrior.. How many sad face emoji pics did you use to make yourself feel better today? How many likes did you get from your fake outrage that you used to get a response from facebook friends... :( lol

or the decade of internet arm chair warriors thinking their opinion outrage matters and everyone must apologize for anything that offends another... F that.. Now that said this is a tragedy yes. But not everyone has to post crying emoji pics to have “likes” to feel they made a difference... People react to things

What a stupid article.... Writer must be a fool. ITs the licencing thats over.. Now its free .... If anything more people will use it and continue to use it fro a long time. Try again Rhett Jones, EPIC FAIL like the music industrys denial of MP3s. lol

take away the anti vaxxers children for child abuse and lock them up for endangerment of others children...

Stop your pedophilia. Pathetic

Chinese driver gets in accident. lol this is news????????? Door doesnt open in accident, THis is news ?????????? do any of you writers at giz know anything about car accidents lol doors in all cars in accidents can be stuck happens every day to 10000000 of cars. ... Chinese drivers are also stereo typically sh!^^y

you are crazy if you think its fake... There is no gain here to fake it.

Child abuser!

I see how you lure chldren.. Child abuser.. Pathetic