what a joke. this special unicorn fairy has no idea how the real world works. Pathetic..
what a joke. this special unicorn fairy has no idea how the real world works. Pathetic..
Ban all their gear including their crappy consumer phones. Shut them out of the world market now. Everyone knows china rips off everything from everyone. Its not a secret at all. IN that as well i say bring back the electronic manufacturing to North America so they dont sneek stuff in then or at least to our allies…
Can we just hit these lawsuit people over the head with a tac hammer? Stupid Fools..
another piece of trash writing done by this blogger.... what a twat..
firefighters can choose what ever they want to save. You arm chair warriors have no experience with fighting fires so i think you all should let them do their jobs and STFU..
the actors on TNG were NOT making $1,000,000 per episode not even close.....
Alex from the stupidity of your shit “opinion: piece we know you have never read the comics or even understand the show. there were and are so many comic references in this episode. it was great to see this. You really need to go read the comics.. And three movies with Rick to come so hes not gone at all.
what a stupid click bait article.
if your child is too stupid to know the difference between killing in a game and real life kills, they are idiots who deserve to have a sh!@#y burger flipping life, and should have all voting rights and reproductive organs removed.
its your fault you bough a amazon fire. Who the hell would buy that piece of crap. Oh you did... Sorry you didn’t do your homework first about its crappiness.
how the hell do you write a article dealing with a drug in dog food without asking how does a drug like that get into the food with out some sick person doing it on purpose...?? what BS puff piece writing..
i think Michael is a racist..
because you dont say something to denounce someone or a act does not make you a white supremacist that is reverse racism BULLSHIT. when a black guy kills someone do you denounce them every time??? no oh right cause getting involved in every matter is useless.. go peddle your bs somewhere else.. i have never once…
Well Perkyperkins is not wrong. I dont like that allegations are running the show.. I do think Danny has done wrong and probably did rape them but then charge him with a crime. Jennifer Aniston touched me on the ass once at a Red carpet event. Shes a sexual assaulter..... She should never work again... ;)
Ubiquiti AP PRO is AMAZING...... this one doesnt have nearly half the range as the AP Pro. It says range of like 400m i get about 1.5 KM line of sight out over a lake.
Ubiquiti AP PRO is AMAZING...... this one doesnt have nearly half the range as the AP Pro. AP Pro says range of like 400m i get about 1.5 KM line of sight out over a lake.
Id rather have a Ubiquiti Router/AP....
in canada we have had chip and pin tech for many years. i have never had my card chip break. we also have tap pay up to $100
Chinese state Spy Phone No thanks. Would never buy this piece of S&(*^. or anything from this company, EVER. Communist phone BS.
your back teeth are floating with all that BS you are spewing...