
With your concluding question you stopped me from writing the same, only with added snark. 'Cuz it's Jezebel (Gawker). Something like — "Inconsistent 'murkin Libertarians, stealing and plagiarism, refusal to admit wrong, playing to gun culture, homophobia/misogyny, Ayn Rand used Social Security," etc.

Shane remembers Charlie, pauses for somber reflection regarding the existential dread of the "Shaw's or Shop-Rite" dilemma, completes purchase.

They have architecture, and it's beautiful, in Paris...Texas?

HA! Waddaya know — HamNo was right! — cheap coffee (from TJ Maxx in Keene, brah) DOES taste good sprayed out of yer nose.

Live free or die, brah!

No, no, no!

Poor bastards.

Uehara at 2 out, Gomes catches 2nd fly. What are the birds thinking at this point?

Blind hatred?

Don't be that way, Blue — most berries are sweet, dontcha know.

Did (the proverbial) we miss this or did I miss this being posted?

I like yer diss 'cause it's got "vanilla" in it. Also 'cause Dunham is irritating, as is Jezebel's (and all said interest represents) fascination with her.

It's all good between Molina and Ross; they got in a lil' bit o' grabass after the did he/didn't he bidniz...

Or — "How To Act Like An Officious Dick To People Who Deign To Waste Your Oh-So-Precious Time With One Of Their Stupid and Naive Noob Questions, Car Snob Edition. Now With 20% Extra-Snarky Condescension For When The Car Illiterate Just Won't Fuck Off Like You Want Them To!"

Like a car wreck, huh? You've got more stomach than I — my teens would've beaten my ass had I changed it...even though one of them got pissed at BW/MM's foolery and went to bed.

Yeah, I noticed that as well — the Comic-Con trailer had a bit more of the static-y words than the ep. last night seemed to (again, I coulda been distracted); "arrive...survive...sanctuary" or something of the sort. Read the comics and/or look for the WD wiki online — I'm not gonna ruin yer surprise. Sorry! (Could

My middle kid did the same — 15 minutes into TD, he got up and muttered "I'm going to bed." I'm certain that my mouth was on the floor because both of the older boys are huge gaming/sci-fi/comics geeks who will start shrieking if I change the channel during a commercial for even 5 seconds and who've never missed any

Holy shit, I'd absolutely blocked that out...must've been the Sox winning AND episode 4.3 being another good one.

People, people, people. Yes, all of your "Let's change 'kick' to 'shot'!" jokes are chuckle worthy. Really they are! Butt...(hey lookitme, it's fun!) Ortiz has always maintained that he did his potential PED ingesting the RIGHT way — by drinking your Dominican milkshakes. So while amusing, you are all out on a

I've never seen a mar mite-y nom de plume, Veg! I like it! (One deserving of a cool avatar...)