Ditto. people are the worst.
Ditto. people are the worst.
I’m in! Over a year ago when he announced his intention to run I said “oh, no, he’s a black flag candidate. He’s there to take votes away from republicans to basically ensure hillarys victory.
It was sarcasm... because climate change deniers...
I can’t either. I’m from Texas (not the blue part) but was in Denver on election night because my husband had a job interview. The restaurant cheered when Hillary made gains. They booed when trump did. I think I was a little complacent surrounded by people who wouldn’t run me off the road for all my…
I think you mean the first rule of the EPA is that the environment doesn’t fucking need protecting because there’s nothing wrong with it.
Basically like that movie where everyone is locked in the office building and they have to kill three people or the overlords will kill 30?
Oh for sure. His aim would be to completely dismantle anything even remotely progressive. Pro life, anti-LGBT, basically giving everyone all the guns, school vouchers, climate change denial - for fucks sake anything peer reviewed is basically alternative fact to him. Let’s slash funding for food stamps and actively…
Those overalls tho!
Seven Flags Over Texas just does not sound like a theme park I want to go to. I also thought about a revolution (Shit I’m probably on some list now) today and pictured taking up my musket and making great memorable speeches and writing secret messages in lemon juice to pass to spies. (I also re-watched Turn)
More like Sean bland-er amirite?!?
I think pence is more dangerous. At least he doesn’t immediately come across as a narcissistic idiot. He knows the system and I’m also pretty sure he’s one of those vampires from the strain.
But I live in Texas and I thought we were the only ones who could pull shit like that.
But what does he think about the moon landing? And where is our alien briefing?
I feel like trump and Scientology could be synonyms, right?
Are bots deserving of sympathy? (Yes I’m going full stepford here)
Wait, so... is this a thing that’s going to recognized every year or just retroactively to that one day (that can burn in hell for all I care)
This was simultaneously hilarious and depressing. So much potty humor potential.
My god I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that some people think children are the segment of the population it’s ok to hit.
Where’s our wall between Sarah Palin’s house and Russia? Huh? Where’s THAT wall?!
As the wise David after Dentist once said “Is this going to be forever? ARRRGGHHHH!”