
The “Veterans for Impeachment” signs behind home plate at the top of the fifth was also a nice touch.

This sound like something a Ghost would say to throw us off. 

“You sayin’ there’s a room available?”  - J. Tomsula

Adam Gase’s beard is the male coach’s equivalent of the Elizabeth Holmes voice, right? 

Too much of mom’s chili

I think this really is what comes with any open book financing for a company and its employees. I have guys who will constantly complain that I pay them $20/hr and yet bill their work for $120/hr. They like to complain that I am making $100/hr by doing nothing....and then I tell them it costs me about $40/hr for them

“I am a woman who loves cheese. I am a woman who has boobs.

Can confirm that they would be this petty and fire someone over this. I was a trainer at Panera for like 3 years and they want to portray this image of everything being made from scratch. When the reality is most of the shit there outside of all the baked goods are pre-made. In fact, the company that makes the mac

They should just call it sous vide mac & cheese and charge an extra $5 markup

Meanwhile Dunkin Donuts will straight up microwave your egg dish right in front of your face. Often while making hard eye contact with you. And then you’ll pay them money.

Looks like Peterson finally learned not to go for the switch.

Editor: Sir, this is an Arby’s.

Excellent novel. Would read again

Never tweet.

I was working as a cocktail waitress in a topless bar, and it was exactly as tedious, gross, and demoralizing as you would imagine it to be. One night, I went to close out a table of older men, and when they started talking in front of me about what to tip me. One of them turned to me and said “Honey, here’s a tip for

Maybe he should have disguised it as a United States Treasury bond.

Texas senator Ted Cruz, who is a Rockets fan, condemned the NBA’s stance on Sunday. “We’re better than this; human rights shouldn’t be for sale & the NBA shouldn’t be assisting Chinese communist censorship,” he wrote on Twitter.  {Guardian}

given that henry V would have spoken french as his first language its odd they would make a native french speaker worry too much about his accent. they could even lamp post it as historically accurate to drive it home if they were worried about confusing people

hurt, suspended, or in Cleveland