
Up until about 2008 (I think, might have been 2009) you could literally walk up to the trainer before a game and get a shot of Toradol (aka Vitamin T) just by asking for it. Didn’t need a prescription, a medical diagnosis, nothing more than “Hey, I need some Toradol.” Usually a line of 20-30 guys before each game.

The liability insurance aside that sounds fucking great

“...all while harboring an increasingly dangerous secret.”

Haven’t seen a dolphin massacre like this since I was last in Japan.

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

Funny, he’s also known as the only guy who can prevent another Giants Super Bowl victory.

Manning’s about the only one in that trifecta of fuckery worthy of any kind of respect. She fucked with OPSEC something serious, and definitely violated her oath of service to the military, but at least she had the courage of her convictions required to face the consequences of her actions.

Snowden leaked his info to

How do you reconcile the fact that the state you’re so gung-ho to protect are fucking war criminals?

Not every exchange has to have an absolute right and wrong. Pam Anderson v. Meghan McCain, for instance, is not a good v. evil fight. They can both be stupid and wrong and misguided, and they both very much are. I guess you can say Anderson “won” this exchange, but... Christ.

Doesn’t make me wrong jackass.

“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!

You heard it here folks. Splinter is caping for the people who actively published Russian compromat aimed at interfering with our elections. 

“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!

The 57-year-old Air Force veteran’s disability check is reduced by $5 every month by an automatic donation to the Trump campaign.

I liked the part where the Venezuelans discovered their weapons had all been encased in jello.....

It amuses me that the show writers think a Maduro led Venezuela is capable of being responsible with either nuclear weapons or nuclear power. There’s likely to be either:

I was slightly disappointed to look at the comments of this article and see it’s not entirely made up of “Let them fight” gifs.

an actress who plays a Manson Family member in the forthcoming Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.