
I want one, but I have no desire to 'push' it off-road.  I just want a pickup that is cool and will last me for the not next but the final 25 years, (age 60-85), with decent mpg, tough enough to take poorly maintained roads out in BF nowhere (i.e., New Mexico) - absorbing the pot-holes and wash-boards, which are even

Maybe it needs one of those high-torque electric motors ... they’re here and they are beating corvettes.  Include a nifty little generator, or fuel cell, to recharge it when off-road and nowhere near a charging-station ... like the military test-vehicle made by 'Chevy'.

Wrap it up, I’ll take it.

What do you think the Police versions are?

Brett Favre won (1) super-bowl, with (10) Free-Agents on the team. The best available FAs came to GB back then because they wanted to be super-bowl champs before their career ended. Since GB still has Rodgers, there is a draw for FAs to go to GB that does not exist in most other teams. Desmond Howard was the MVP of

Ima GB fan, and, I don’t blame you. McCarthy's IQ has to be lower than Cutlers QB rating - if not for Rodgers, he woulda been long gone by now.

“owned by kleptocrats” ... except Green Bay.

Brett Hundley just finished his Rookie Pre-Season with better stats than Rodgers, and Scott Tolzein played very well too. Also, GB is 10-0 with Jordy Nelson on the sidelines, so.

A GB fan, while watching that SB flub, I yelled out, YES, THERE IS JUSTICE. That was in El Paso, surrounded by Cowboys Fans. Fuggum all, Detroit wins the SB this year, and the World Ends, BFD.