
A pack of hyenas is how you handle a known gun felon who is not afraid to use his weapon. While you’d be outside wetting your pants, these brave officers go in there and get this animal off the streets. One gets shot in the process, and bye-bye animal.

Dude. He was wanted for a shooting! Are you kidding?

What an absolute farce. A violent man, wanted for shooting someone, fights arresting officers, SHOOTS ONE OF THEM, and is killed and...what?

We know damn well they WANT all whites to feel guilty.

Obviously the real estate is white supremacist.

That’s pretty darn pathetic. People using words they don’t understand or have distorted. Like ‘nazi’ and ‘fascist’.

“Woke” is placing identity over merit. “Woke” is building up Diversity, Equity and Inclusion departments in order to warp credentials that lead to success and replace them with societal victims...real and imagined. “Woke” is placing guilt on a race of people for past successes while hefting praise and artificially

This is a great definition of a fascist racist ideology: “I can define “woke” in 15 seconds. It’s a flawed ideology of social justice and radical social transformation that blames the woes of minorities on white people and, in particular, white men. It promotes identity politics to demonstrate one’s virtue over sound

Or, realize that while sarcasm is usually able to be picked up via tone of voice when spoken, it’s not as apparent through text and may require some clarification, instead of immediately jumping to “Note to self: Avoid sarcasm, because god damn fuck this country”.

This is the only way blacks can get anything of worth. It has to be a freebee.

Almost as disgusting as when 4 black people kidnapped, tortured, and made a white Down syndrome man drink urine for wearing a MAGA hat

This is the one violent incident on the NY Subway that The Root decides to make a story out of?

The most hate, racism and general anti-societal behavior comes form black people.

Did you miss all the school bus videos of black children beating the hell out of white children?

If the Libtards in San Francisco & other Liberal Bastions of Shit wish to pay Reparations to Black People, I have no problem with it. Next up, Native Americans? The Liberal Lunatics seem to be hell bent on Dividing the Nation along Racial & Socio-Economic Lines. When the Civil War begins, they may rue the day when

Not even most of our ancestors.

Seems to me that any ‘reparations’ should be paid to the descendents of the hundreds of thousands of Union soldiers who died to free the slaves from their Democrat slave owners.

It is ridiculous.  

So funny.  People who never owned slaves paying penalties to people who never were slaves.  Mob rule!

Ungrateful asshole trashes White parents?