Vanguard Knight

Asia is well known for its anti-black views....

I am growing tired of explaining to my white colleagues why blackface or brown face or any face is wrong.

Jesus. You can hear the exhaustion and inevitability in his voice.
I have used that same tone in my interactions with police myself.

“Here we go again.”

This is why the rule allowing officers to decompress (ie come up with a cover story that fits the facts) is bullshit.

I bet she wasn’t drug tested either.

For all the people* gasping at the thought that Americans elected a man with Fascist/Autocratic aspirations as the President of the United States:

Do you not realize that there is a high percentage of White people who would be perfectly happy living in an oppressive dictatorship so long as White People were guaranteed

That was Andrew Gillium. Not Barack Obama.

Dont forget the mentions of Chicago and misleading crime stats.

At least with the lighter skin she can now be featured in the next Disney Princesses reimagined as XxxxxX

If you read the halo books or comics you also come to realize that the UNSC is a pretty fascist organization as well.

Not really.
Why wasn’t he arrested immediately?
Do you think a black man or woman acting in such a manner would be walked back to their home and given multiple warnings and chances to de-escalate?

Call me hateful but isn’t what he received one of the major pillars of republican policy? This is what he is voting for.

Is it wrong that my mind keeps thinking about vigilante justice after reading things like this?

I have “Leopard Skin” where any bump, bruise or irritation colors in with pitch black. So I wear shirts and sweat pants when I swim outdoors.

I have “Leopard Skin” where any bump, bruise or irritation colors in with pitch black. So I wear shirts and sweat

Just 1850? You might want to go back to 1776.
Heck if you include the colonies it goes back even further.

I did too. Kinda annoys me they all but abandoned it.

Been under a rock? This is the Main part of Fortnite now.

Please note the Dominican Rebuplic is different from Dominica.

White people have ALWAYS cared more about animals than black and brown people.