The Democrats need to refuse to negotiate on this I am afraid.
They cannot cave to another demand of the republicans in exchange for restoration of DACA protections. I mean look at what is expected to be announced:
DACA cancellation with 6 months delay. Its built in that DACA can be used by the Republicans as a Carrot…
Is there no one who can come to this man’s defense?
Black suffering has always been a stabilizing factor in America. The idea that the lowest white man is better than the best black man is what has kept society together in the face of extreme wealth inequality.
No Law Enforcement didn’t just screw up, they were COMPLICIT:
I have nothing to add here but wanted to comment and say thank you for saying this clearly.
Shh about the dogs. THEY will hear you.
Help me out here? Does this hair classification only work on women?
I never heard this 4C, 3A etc til this article.
I dunno. Maybe I am just stupid, but If a person is quoted as saying HEY I DIDN’T COMMIT GENOCIDE WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS, maybe they didn’t live a life worth celebrating.
Old? I see this every damn day on the 7 train.
Whenever someone tries to defend this garbage with the claims that Koreans (and all asian groups) see blackface differently I dismiss them. Because as you said they imported pretty much their entire pop culture from the West and they internalized racism against blacks heavily.
Does that matter?
We are retreading a path that is well worn. After being frisked multiple timed under Bloomberg’’s watch I do anything reasonably possible to avoid cops.
Jesus, is this girl wolverine or what!
This has alway’s been the case.
OMG you made me spit coffee.
I disagree.
I mean People of Color and blacks already knew he was racist.
If you are referring to this being evidence for white people, lets not forget how much video evidence is out there of police brutality, yet white people still don’t believe (OR CARE) it exists.
So when I was Stopped and Frisked multiple times and white people would walk by staring and shaking their heads I should have realized they were just tired.