Well the Illusion of American Justice for blacks is pretty much completely wrecked at this point.
Well the Illusion of American Justice for blacks is pretty much completely wrecked at this point.
How many people were put in jail on a cops word before the advent of easily accessible video recording?
He was the lesser of two evils.
Depends on the state and the policy.
No guarantees. He was in fear of the black brute, known for his superhuman abilities. He was only protecting himself.
Here, maybe this will help him:
The illusion of justice for Black Americans has been pretty much shattered at this point.
Its another law that is pretty much for white people.
Here is a great video of what happens when a black person legally carries and encounters a white “hero:”
Yeah let me apologize. I am seeing this all over Kinja right now.
Rare posts are going to the wrong threads here and there.
I think you might have clicked on the wrong reply box.
This has almost happened to me multiple times.
Because there is nothing White people like more than a Black person who confirms their biases, and admonishes his own race.
The sharing economy has the same qualifiers as the 2ND Amendment:
Your experience may vary if you are black.
I use this. But I live in NY and park my car in a parking garage, so I am unclear on whether it will stand up to the heat.
I always check it before I pull away but I think you can set it to turn on when you start the car too.
Again this is why I stress every PoC that drives regularly needs to have a forward and cabin dash camera.
Pageants cost money.
Study after study show that white people, and other People of Color have a clearly demonstrated empathy gap.
Exactly. Why would a cop plead guilty to killing or obstructing justice for any black person?
The case history supports the notion that they can kill black people whenever they feel like.
At this point I think it’s safe to believe that most white people use this kind of language in private.
You make an excellent point.
Police across the country kill so many dogs, the Justice Department described it as an epidemic. But the Justice Department, police officers, and police academies don’t seem to realize that systemic fear (and racism) has produced another epidemic. But they won’t describe the seemingly innumerable number of unarmed…