wakeboard != bodyboard.
wakeboard != bodyboard.
@UPandB: The "refresh interval" you speak of is for the news feed, not notifications.
@bdinger: exactly this.
@38thsignal: I hear Global Thermnuclear War is a doozy.
@Decad3nce: He's a fucking traitor. Cut his head off.
@prometeum: You're so vain; you probably thought this launch was about you.
@aec007: "but we are going magnetic soon ! "
@siwex80: What has he stolen? Yea, you're an idiot.
@bucklefilledbird: I am by no means saying Vets don't deserve care for their injuries, just speaking on your "point" — but your statement could easily be applied to people who volunteer for the armed forces. If they got hurt, they knowingly knew the risks/consequences.. why should tax dollars pay for their care?
Good one Giz... Libera F*cks.
blah blah blah "Why do americans care?" "Look at me I'm from another country, damn americans" blah blah blah blah.. STFU
@ian.nai: he has wood paneling.... obviously kiddie porn.
@tw@t: I feel sorry for the one poor bastard in Nigeria who is legitimately trying to buy things off of eBay.
@thirdchild: herp a derp derp derp you got me good there
@thirdchild: yer an idiot.
@ads2k2: eff you red coat!
@UnicornMaster: he's going places.
Great read! +1 Respect for the Woz.
@tds3871: Really?!?! I didn't know that!! :P