
Here's the thing though—racism doesn't have to have intent behind it in order to be racist. In fact, I'd argue most racism and racist systems are unintentional and done out of ignorance and fear. It doesn't make it any less damaging. So yes, even seemingly little things do add up. It doesn't matter if someone

I'd hardly call losing the popular vote a "landslide," but ok, champ


Of course someone in Florida did it

Maher wasn't a libertarian. Neither was "the Nader crowd." They're far left, pretty much the opposite of libertarianism.

Feeling exactly the same. Ugh.

Actually it promised precisely that. That there would be a mystery every season.


Here here. Good assessment.

What really bothered me about this episode was that it pushed the idea of the "Ferguson Effect" —aka police being afraid/reluctant to do their jobs for fear of facing backlash, leading to spikes in crime—when this effect has been proven nonexistent. It's just a right wing talking point, and not a valid or plausible

I feel like this entire season has just been taking aim at Tumblr culture or "Tumblrinas" as people on reddit and others like to call it. The social justice warriors/PC police, safe spaces, rules of consent, but the slash art/yaoi and putting queer people on a pedestal was really the icing on the cake. Or maybe

I hate shows where they kill the dog. Whyyy.

Did anyone else notice that baby Judith is starting to look a lot like Shane? I wonder how Rick will react to the idea that his old buddy is Judith's father, not him.

I saw it coming but I just didn't think it would happen so soon. RIP my sweet prince

Except in the book Salladhor is not even black! He is described as blond and blue eyed, but I always pictured him as black anyway, probably because his name sounds like a North African pirate to me, so I was glad they made him black in the show.

Poor Ginsberg. I guess he IS aptly named. "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness."

I think you mean Sal, but yes, I agree with you. I always wondered why he's never reappeared or even mentioned, however briefly.

is it bad that I hope DMX just like straight up shoots Zimmerman in the face and it's not funny at all and it's kind of horrifying and he goes to prison but at least Zimmerman got what he deserved and we all learn our lesson about making everything a spectacle?