
What a lovely thing to say :)

Have you tried Adventures in Depression by Allie Brosh (Hyperbole and a Half)? I’ve never read an account of depression that felt so accurate to me. Never.

You are a worthwhile human being. Just because we don’t fully understand your disease doesn’t mean it’s not an organic disease. We don’t know what the fuck is going on with the brain. Someone with a broken leg doesn’t have a “real” disease just because we know how to look for it on an X-ray. You are worthwhile, you

Honestly, I think Carrie is that story. She constantly struggled with it. Yes, she had some books under her wing, was a successful script doctor, but I think we only got a 10% of Carrie because she was battling her demons the other 90% of the time.

I think what Carrie drived home again and again is that she was always battling her mental illness. It was never going to go away. Heck, after the above interview she started to abust oxycotin after the death of her friend. But that didn’t stop her from living her life and being who she was. 

I think the part that hit me hardest about Carrie Fisher’s death yesterday wasn’t the fact that we lost an amazing actress and writer. It was the fact that we lost such a bad-ass advocate for those struggling with mental illness.

I’m looking for something hard: a testimony from the depressed person who hasn’t stumbled upon medications or therapies that work, and who hasn’t flourished in a creative career despite the depression, but I guess that person is struggling to get out of bed instead of writing articles.

:( there is nothing wrong with you and that is the stigma talking. What you feel is normal because that’s what you feel and you are you. You do not need to be cured of anything.

I had to put off seeing it for a week or so because I didnt really want to go without my ex because we always saw Star Wars together so I went by myself and was OK but then I found out about this shit.

She talks about her illness with such confidence. It makes me sad because I don’t think I’ll ever be that way about mine. I can’t shake the feeling that it’s because there is something inherently wrong with me that there is no cure for. Medication can’t make you suddenly feel like a worthwhile human being.   

I love her monologues, but her interviews are excruciating. There is far too much in the way of choreographed responses and questions scripted to elicit a desired response. The interviews are always about HER, not the the interviewee. The best interview segments are “man in the street” stuff done by her staff. That

Conan is on the same network. Though I think he produced Pete Holmes old talk show.

She’s said many times she doesn’t want a nightly show, which quite frankly I think she should reconsider we need.

The joint promo was probably because Conan’s TBS talk show follows her show on the night it airs (was Monday, will be Wednesday next year). She and her husband, Jason, made the deal with TBS with the proviso that they themselves would produce her show and also his sitcom (The Detour).

I like her once a week, her show is so raw and enraged, it would totally draining for cast, crew, and audience to do every weeknight. I think weekly also lets her go deeper into topics, her pieces feel more deeply researched than multiple daily shows can be.

I think she and her husband produce. (Her and her husband? Ack).

I suggest you move to Boston. Very open and embracing of all those who are interested in equality. Yes they fucked up busing but they did a good job with LGBT rights.

I just wanted to add that I think “web of lesbians” would make an awesome band name.

There is at least a score of lesbians/queer female bodied or identified folks in my neck of the woods! But we’re the only ones with kids, so... there’s that.
But also apparently they all work at Target because damn that place is like queer central. I feel so at home shopping there.

Oh, Kate McKinnon we love you so.