
As an Australian I can tell you that we don’t call them “widow makers” for nothing.

I hate to be “that person” but as a Biologist I think this normally rare event could become more common with monoculture tree plantings. Monoculture stands such as pine, Christmas trees, often for profit but sometimes touted as “eco-friendly” have almost no diversity and therefore no variety of roots to stabilize or

I heard somewhere that America’s Sweethearts was slightly modeled on her relationship with her sister


Ehhhh... her sister commited suicide and Julia may have been one of the (many) reasons and according to (slightly shady) rescources she said made a speech at her funeral which didn’t go to well.... also her trolling of her husbands ex wife (Current wife at the time) was kinda shitty... she wore a shirt that had the

Whatever it is, I blame Lyle Lovett.

There’s some chatter on my political twitter feed that this is exactly what Obama will say tomorrow at his year end press conference. Seems really incendiary to me, but we’ll all know soon enough.

After thinking a bit more, it can come right back around to your point of making Trump and Clinton look equal. Before and after the election, disgruntled Berniebros and Republicans were pointing fingers about a rigged primary, using flimsy proof. So now, they can just yell out some crap about Hillary rigging the

Yeah that world begins January 20th idiot. Republicans don’t give a shit about precedent. Obama tried to reach across the aisle and they spat in his face by betraying the country to foreign rule just so they could have the power to perpetuate their trickle-down theocracy.

Frankly I couldn’t give two flying fucks about Russina fee fees at the moment.

IDGAF at this point. Shut their electricity off for a day. Blow up every troll IP address inside their borders. Have the USN stop every Russian tanker of oil and siphon it off for us to keep. Drone strike Assange so fucking hard pieces of him land in Moscow. Sink that bullshit aircraft carrier and start dropping every

Starred for ‘ham hock’, my father’s choice of insult when I was growing up. I don’t think I’ve ever heard it anywhere else!

Yeah, I have little idea of what he could have done, other than, as he did, push for Hillary’s election in a pretty unprecedented way. He flat out told the American people Trump was unfit, for christ’s sake.

“He will hold a press conference Friday at 2:15 p.m. before he leaves for his annual family vacation to Hawaii.

It’s a shame. Obama’s sanctions were one of the most effective punishments for Russia’s bullshit in a long time. Unfortunately, our next SoS’s current company has a half-trillion dollar deal waiting to happen once our next POTUS lifts those sanctions.

Just wait until Russia has to deal with insignificant economic sanctions that will be lifted in January!

Get this man to the CIA

2016 is when you drink the hemlock. 2017 is when it kicks in.

Is anything ever actually said unless a man says it though, really?

Speaking of holding press conferences, didn’t Trump promise to hold one today to discuss how he would separate himself from his business? Amazing how he wasn’t able to do that, but did find the time to go on a Twitter tirade about a restaurant review and the amazingly stupid Tweet above.