
Paxil brain zaps are absolutely awful. They’re the reason I switched to fluoxetine seven years ago. I’m so sorry you’re still experiencing them.

Messing around with my med dosage also jumpstarted my latest breakdown. Wishing Yeezy only the best, this shit is hard.

I really think it’s important for people to hear first hand experiences because it demystifies it and hopefully takes away from the stigma.

Discontinuation syndrome is really a euphemism for what many people actually experience. The medical folks like to reserve the word “withdrawal” for the response coming off an addictive substance. Discontinuation syndrome and symptoms can last months, not just the “acute” period that the manufacturers have been forced

There have been several times in my life where I have struggled with the knowledge that my brain is just fundamentally broken, and nothing will change that, and this will be a fact for my entire life. This has led me, on several occasions, to try to ween myself off my antidepressants, which has (of fucking COURSE) led

If he went off Lexapro and was anything like me it would just be 100% of the day crying at Hallmark commercials.

Thank you! Luckily, 30 Rock lives on in our hearts (and Netflix).

What a whole lot of hatefulness in these comments. Not that it should matter but one of “these women” moved her estranged husband in to care for him while he recovered from an overdose.

In simple terms, Taiwan maintains themselves as the “real” China since they’re ex-pats from the government before China’s communist revolution. China maintains that Taiwan is ostensibly stolen territory and “belongs” to them.

It excuses Trump’s abhorrent behavior. Rather than being on the end of much deserved ridicule, China is saying basically Taiwan goaded him into it. Once again our dangerous PEOTUS is actively destabilizing world order and we are not sure if it is direct or he is just that stupid.  

I have a long and severe history with mental illness that include hospitalization. I don’t like any invasion of private medical issues, however, that aside I think getting this kind of information out there can most like subconsciously plant the seed so they can maybe recognize this kind of behavior if they see it. I

This is a situation where I would support chemtrail style jet spraying. Let’s hit “real America” twice.

I went off Zoloft last year. I tapered for four months from a 50 mg dosage and I still had the crazy side effect of uncontrollable crying jags for a couple months afterward. Good for you for being vigilant.

Yea I’m actually someone who gets really disturbed by the hate thrown the kardashians way (stuff I see as veiled misogyny) but I never thought Kim was great at understanding and dealing with robs depression either. I get that it can be hard for people who don’t have a mental illness to understand behaviors of people

Normally, I’d say this is wrong but Kanye has mentioned having problems and, honestly, it can’t be repeated too often, that people shouldn’t play with their meds. Ever. This may keep a lot of people from doing something like it.

If there are, we need to release them into the water supply post haste!

I’m a psych nurse, and I even got complacent about my meds. I hadn’t needed any in years, then I entered a year-long depressive phase partially caused by my family doctor putting me on Prozac, a giant no-no with a bipolar person not on a mood stabilizer as well. It’s taken my new psych about 6 months to get me

After how she dealt with Rob’s depression, I get the feeling that Kim isn’t great at handling her loved ones’ mental health problems, so I wouldn’t be surprised if her relationship isn’t in a good place.

So, China is blaming the most catastrophic U.S. foreign policy oopsie on......Taiwan. Hey folks, this is it: smoke em’ if you got em!

very concerned about Kanye