Do they look an awful lot alike in that picture?
Do they look an awful lot alike in that picture?
What the fuck? I am honeslty blown away by any person who doesn’t see this as a huge issue. He had his goddamn hands up! I live in an area with next to no diversity, but spent some time in the military where I was able to meet amazing people from all over the U.S. Two of the friends I made have sons who are toddlers,…
Hey, 20 years is certainly not shabby! :) Yeah, she would have been awful if we were the same age. I just would have noticed sooner. Rough lesson to learn!
I thought Brad Pitt, then Robert. I sure as shit hope they release the name. If the guy has kids it might be a good idea for him to not have access to them.
I thought the same.
Intrinsically dreadful :) She’s the “I don’t know if I could ever open up to someone again” kind of dreadful. Horribly damaging. I genuinely think if I had experienced a bit more of the world, I would have seen her for what she was...a monster. Shitty situation. And a shitty person.
I would agree. Age differences in and of themselves don’t bother me, but I absolutely see how they can be troubling. When I was in my early-ish 20s I started dating a woman 14 years older than me. She ended up being...horrible. Emotionally abusive (occasionally - rarely - physically), she used me in just about every…
Um...she does have allergies. And likely did overheat. It is in fact possible for these things to all occur. Good god.
Ha! Yes, I have been eliminated from the gene pool over a minor case of heat exhaustion. Jackass.
That’s a good point! I remember one of the girls in my division in boot camp used to fall out all the time because she locked her knees. Air conditioned building (thank you Navy), wasn’t heat related and she was in great health. Just didn’t listen to the whole “don’t lock your knees” idea.
I love how pragmatic this comment is :)
We don’t all have matching physiological responses. Not everyone will respond the way you do in heat. A couple year ago I spent about an hour and a half outside in high heat/humidity, and had to leave the event I was at because I was weak and vomiting. Shit happens.
I feel like someone should do a biopic on Elvis and cast him.
Oh, me too! Ha! I’m confident it's the best thing to come out of this bullshit campaign of his.
Haha! I just said that a few comments up, didn't see you had already done so.
Reminds me of Zoolander’s Center for Kids Who Can’t Read Good and Want to Learn How to So Other a Stuff Good Too.
That's a depressingly good point.
My dad used to do a lot of hunting/taxidermy, and one of the little treasures, she says sarcastically, was...I'm pretty sure...a muskrat. So, I can confirm they do have a striking resemblance.
What the fuck, Russia? 😒
Thank you! It is always nice to see other people in the field, couldn't agree more! :) You keep up the good work too!