
I work for a non-profit, and we use a housing first model for one of our programs (aka permanent supportive housing). While I 100% agree that shelter is can’t really address severe underlying mental health issues when their basic needs aren’t being met, the model comes with serious problems too. We

I totally missed that one! Gonna have to check it out!

I think the only one he couldn't over power was Adele. Which...I don't know that anyone can!

Ha! :)

“Damned Heathens” should be used as a descriptor far more often.

I would totally watch that...


Same. Actually, I'm really never witty or funny, so I for sure don't know why I was ungreyed. I was happy about it though!

I loved him. Will always be a Braves fan because of that man.

It pisses me off knowing there are yuuuuuge groups of people who will buy this bullshit. He couldn’t even say it without having it written for him. Little Mr. “No teleprompters” apparently lied about that too. But, will he be called out for it? Of course not!

I'm glad you're enjoying it :) I won't lie, I've checked it for updates every single day since I found it :D I hope your weeks get better!

Ha! Enjoy! :)

There is a blog called TayTaysBeard determined to prove it’s true. I loooooove it.

There is a while blog dedicated to proving that Taylor and Karlie are together. I won't lie, they have me convinced. I'm gonna be devastated if it's not true. Devastated. :)

I thought she looked kinda pissed. Can't say I blame her.

Life in prison is actually cheaper.

This one made me lol more than the overs for some reason :D

I did that in my ex’s refrigerator once! Gave me endless joy, especially as the months went on and I'd randomly find items that still had googly eyes :) Alas...she liked to fuck people who...weren't me. And was likely a sociopath. So I no longer know the status of the googly eyes. Oh well!