
Ah! Well it has given me a lot of joy, thank you for posting it! :)

I can’t remember where I got this, but was truly impressed with the person who made it’s creativity. If it was someone on here, I’m not trying to swipe gifs!!

I’m sorry... Did you honestly just say that rape was a “consequence” of rule breaking? What the fuck? There is absolutely, unequivocally, NO rule that states “if you drink, or have premarital sex, or attend a party, the consequence is rape.” If you engage in underage drinking there could very well be legal

I'm so sorry. It's heartbreaking that this happens as frequently as it does.

Thank you, I’m glad you did as well. Any question about a person’s intentions, however minor, is my trigger, and I’m gone. One thing I can say is it will never happen to me again! :)

Not all people are built the same. It’s great that you think in that situation you’d gladly take on all repercussions so as to be able to take down your rapist. As a female, I can say in that situation I would likely do what many women do...I would be quiet. I wouldn’t want to be trashed by my peers and

I'm so sorry you experienced this.

It will for sure take time. Be patient with yourself in the process. I did a whole lot of beating myself up over another person’s behavior...wasn’t helpful at all. And grief alone is a beast. The anger, sadness, etc. I Think the more we can sit with a feeling, kinda see what it’s telling us, then let it go (for the

It’s amazing how similar the stories are, and feelings produced. I’m sorry you experienced a person like that. I was reading your comment while listening to, and enjoying, the one song I HADN’T been able to listen to since things imploded with her. We listened to it together a ton at the beginning. I couldnt for

Please check out that website. What she’s referring to talking about him coming back is called a “Hoover.” That’s what they do, and the ore you prepare for and expect it, the better you’ll be. Mine pulled some kind of shit every...month I’d least...for about a year. Then I blocked her in every way imaginable

People like the one she dealt with are masters at making you feel like you're all kinds of things're not. Your comment was really well put, and even helpful for someone like me who is a decent time removed from my ex.

Oh, naturally. Totally what I figured :)

First, I’m so, so sorry this happened to you. This was heartbreaking to read. I am going to give you a website that helped me a TON when I was “discarded" by my ex (who is a bonafide sociopath). Hearing other stories, getting an idea of how these people helped me. The website is (a little

This warms my heart.

Ha! Well...I have nothing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



Jesus. You're absilueu right. What a crock of shit that she has to deal with that.

I'm surprised that isn't brought up more. Those who know her seem to genuinely love and respect her. There was a quote by a former bodyguard basically saying he didn't give a shit about Bill, but he'd walk on broken glass for her. Or walk on something, can't remember at the moment. And I believe that was during his

Haha! :)