
yes, and that the Hendrixes are white and not black and wearing hoodies no doubt helped in that Donnie was taken alive.
I totally bought that a raid would go in like that. Police in this country are basically paramilitary and have way too much power. Though in the Magical Land of Universal Healthcare up north perhaps

you should.

that is what victims often have to do to be believed, is to build a file.

yes, i would say she is doing more internal work than anything.

but she does have legit issues with her mom. just because a parent does their best (if that's even true; sometimes people are not actually doing their best but don't have the self awareness to know that) doesn't mean it was good enough.

there does not exist any world, including on TV, where a man would hold women captive and not rape them.

true in some cases. and not true for some kids for whom meds can be lifesavers. it's not as simple as lazy parenting.

disagree because rape culture; the woman in that scenario is more likely to feel potentially justified fear.

word. also, if it's OI again, especially the more serious types, any reasonable person would want to know well in advance to make a termination decision.

which is certainly your choice but medically your chances of having ANY live healthy babies would go way down especially any higher order multiples beyond triplets.

there are some sensible pro-women pro-choice nuns out there, to be fair. she definitely wasn't one of them, though. the Eves have always been quite creepy and she was no exception.

god knows thats why i went into education.

i promise you many many people do not think that's the greatest tragedy here.

hey now. i know a lot of crazy people who've been in those institutions, and not a single one would vote for Ben Carson. there's crazy, and then there's inexcusably naive, stupid, uninformed or just plain sociopathic.

if only that were a higher bar.

holy shit this was GOOD. Bing Bong killed me. as my cousin said, it was (and this should be the tagline for all pixar movies) "surprisingly stressful."

is it bad that i am actively excited about this?
what can i say, i like predictable medical dramas that i can watch while fucking around on the internet.

head canon ACCEPTED.