UKDR... I think Ru thought the Purple Reign was a brand/act ready to go and just needed the launch. Our Cis-tem offender will do fine.
UKDR... I think Ru thought the Purple Reign was a brand/act ready to go and just needed the launch. Our Cis-tem offender will do fine.
Bryce was super cute and looked to be having a blast.
I agree there were shenanigans afoot; but I think it should have been Olivia lip-syncing against Tina, whose time should have already been up long ago.
Tina going home for a branding challenge? Priceless.
It’s weird, right? DC invented the roadmap for how to do a shared comic universe on screen back in the 90s, and have ignored it ever since.
As much praise as Batman TAS rightfully gets, I think in some ways Superman TAS was an even bigger achievement for both feeling like Superman should and also feeling like it…
For what it is worth, I liked it. It was definitely better than Whedon’s shit and it was a better take on the characters. I don’t get the hate on DCEU from sites like i09 and the like. I liked MOS and BvS for what it was and a lot of that was from the idea of Superman not portraying this forever boy scout. Kal El was…
Surprisingly not; he actually dials it back quite a bit and emphasizes their heroism
I can believe this happened to him because similar things have happened to me in an office setting. What burns like acid in your stomach is that you had inklings there was shit in thr game early on. But you think,”Why would they want to see me fail? They hired me or I’m making money/doing well and their reputation…
There should definitely have been a top four. How was Symone not in the top for the performance and amazing runway? Whatever.
The whole thing was ridiculous but the most baffling aspect was that voice. Why did she choose that speaking voice? So strange
The whole Utica not wanting to wear a ‘fro because of appropriation seemed like a weird hill to die on here simply because as Ru and others pointed out - Bob Ross was white and Bob Ross had that hairstyle. I don’t really get how making it squirrels made it better?
Tekashi has had nothing but big bossy bottom energy from the beginning, and he is exactly the kind of messy queen that Nicki would align herself with in her diminished and less-relevant state.
I don’t think I will ever understand why anyone has any patient for the chicklet toothed mother fucker.
To The Dark One 508
This explains a lot more. She was in a hurry and made an impulsive decision with a product she already had. Since she’s used to working with kids, she’s accustomed to working with glues that are either water soluble, or wash out with soap and water, and has probably removed (kid-friendly) glue from hair before, kids…
It was donated willingly to her. It’s stupid to take issue with something like that. Just like it was stupid to blindly donate money to something before money was actually necessary. And if you do, well you have no right to judge based on your own actions. Nothing deceptive was played here.
It’s kind of funny how nasty everyone here is. The fact that she had to wait until Obeng stepped in is telling enough. Regardless of her intentions or would-be plans it didn’t work out. Either the innocent “moment of stupidity” or the IMMGONNAGOVIRALMWAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! it clearly didn’t work out.
And so ends a chapter in the life of a good woman who did a silly thing who simply did what everyone advises: “Ask for help.” Which she did. Let it be on the conscience of those who always seek ill in others first. Listen not to their shrill tweeting.
Symone flat out won the episode.