
The Southern Poverty Law Center and FBI disagree with your statement. Hate crimes against American Jews has shot up in recent years, while thankfully anti-Muslim hate crimes have gone down.

No, Nick cannon said seriously anti Semitic things. Fuck off with this oh can’t be racist against white people so it doesn’t matter. Jews ≠ white

I feel like this argument is a deflection. Everything in it is correct- however, Viacom didn’t (or at lease didn’t say) they fired him because of the anti-white shit. It was because of the antisemitism. And that isn’t just words, that’s stuff that actively hurts and provokes violence against Jewish people.

Don’t forget

I would add “I’m not racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic but” to the list.

Keeping it real is mostly used as a cop out for saying fucked up shit. Many examples in other languages too.

“That’s our birthright. We are the true Hebrews.”

Anyone else thinking the same thing when you read that headline? LMFAO!

Hanging out with short dudes and culture vultures during a pandemic ain’t a good look.

What’s really sad about the entire incident is the fact that Alexis has said that she received a lot of hate (and death threats) after Indiagate was televised. Whatever her motives might have been for stirring up some shit, you’ve got to think that India must have known that she was setting up her friend for months

Roxxxy won because of the outfit. From what they showed, Cracker’s synch was at least as good or better. Tie goes to the runner, right?

Blair's looked like a dress that a first time sewer made.

I don’t think that anyone needed a reason to love Jujubee any more than we already do, but her chat with Ru was both devastating and hopeful at the same time. She’s so wonderful.

I feel like Alexis has just generally been getting screwed. I thought she should have won last week, and I though this weeks look was excellent.

I mean, if we’re talking real?

Shea made a great point, though, by insisting that Flava Flav is drag. And why shouldn’t Drag Race celebrate Butch Drag too, especially when it’s the best thing that was presented in a challenge? And it was nice to see Drag Race extend beyond the usual Femme categorizations for a change. Drag is evolving quickly, and D

i don’t believe India one bit for the very reason that she kept this until now. Alexis strikes me as that kind of queen that’s gonna tell you exactly how she feels, even if it’s inappropriate. I don’t see her scheming like that.

She was the most fun on Season 2, All-Stars 1, and now here. She’s just the best. Anything short of the final is unacceptable. She and Shea better be standing at the end of this.

Exactly! She has to be one of the most delightful queens ever on the show, because at its core, drag is about being in on the joke of it all, and she carries that with her in all her interactions. It’s hard for a lot of queens to achieve camp because camp can’t be overthought either, and that’s where she shines!

I feel that we all need to send love out to Jujubee for her constantly entertaining read on the ongoing drama. She’s completely amused by it, bears no one any malice, and we all know that she’s just beyond it all. I giggled madly when she blew a kiss in the mirror as she voted, proving once and for all that she’s the