
It’s a shame (although possibly intentional) that they had her phrase it poorly, but Molly’s point was valid. Different people experience different forms of racism. The kind that makes the towel lady of a hotel assume you’re not supposed to be there and potentially dangerous is the kind Molly has lived with her whole

It reminds me of when I was a kid and couldn’t afford to buy a lot of games. You better believe I was dragging out RPGs like crazy. Playing and replaying. Trying to wring every last drop out of them.

People are the worst.

Now playing

There’s so many younger players who just take it all for granted and speed through the game, But I love Shirley’s pure enjoyment of the game. Her innocence and wonder she brings to it. She takes her time and carefully explores the world. She’s very mindful what she grabs and what it’s worth.

My theory is that next episode, Lawrence is gonna tell Issa that he’s moving out of LA (maybe to the San Francisco/Bay Area, since he was flying back from there when Molly ran into him)

All the man has to do is sit in his basement, release a proof of life video once a month, and not do anything stupid. The fact that he still does this shit just proves that he sees no issue with it - it’s not a slip, it’s just how he thinks.  

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

Yes is was Britta, we just like Jadia more

Thank you!! It is not a fucken “gaffe” or old man acting like a old man when he has been doing this forever.

Joe Biden has been making these kinds of gaffes for 40 years because he is a white man in America.“

You could also make an argument that having what is supposed to be a forum for the other queens to celebrate their triumphs etc. overshadowed by talk about another queen who isn’t there, and entirely due to her bad acts. wouldn’t be fair to the remaining queens.

Then again, it did liberate the queens from a topic that would have taken the entire reunion to a very dark place. While we can argue that this is a conversation that needs to take place on Drag Race , and that this omission leaves plenty of ammunition for the argument that it came across as Ru’s attempt to whitewash

I am certainly waiting for the gag order to lift and the queens talking about Sherry Pie and her impact. Since it’s clearly not allowed by the producers, it’s probably going to be at least a year before hearing their thoughts. It’s often very complicated learning someone you work with and perhaps respect is a

The “Rain on Me” video is the gay pink leather glitter sequel to the Matrix I didn’t know I needed. I’m loving everything about it. The world feels like it’s ending so a classic Gaga bop is a fabulous comfort.

I like the Lady Gaga/Arianna Grande tune.  And, I already know I will hear it approximately 1,000,000,000,000,000 times this summer.

Who is even thinking about Bernie or Warren as a nominee at this point? I’m well aware that he’s going to be the nominee, and it’s strange that literally any observation of Biden being less-than-perfect turns into someone in the comments accusing me or Jezebel at large of being deluded about the reality we find

By not letting them in we’re actually solving two problems at once.

This bar needs a bubble football field, not narrow walkways!

That was Jackie who said that. You are totally right about Gigi channeling Hilary Swank! I have been trying to put my finger on who she reminds me of all season and that is it.

I thought the lip sync decision was actually correct. While Jackie did do more with her costume, Crystal sold the performance with body language and, yes, some fan-favourite moves, and had a great conviction in her performance. Jackie was a lot of fun, but that’s the third time that she’s chosen a comedy

A meaty final challenge? Yes!