
I consistently like this show MUCH better than the reviews here. I agree with some of the individual points but not the extremity to which they bother the reviewer. TBH I frequently wonder if we’re watching the same show.

First Teddy and now this! No wonder she doesn't have any friends.

Well to be fair to Serac, watching everyone you cared about and love die in a nuclear war is a good motivator. That’s kind of why I like his characterization in that he’s a lot more of a complicated figure than appearances. One can argue that he kinda did that to his brother because he understood how someone mentally

This. I can also see why William was so addicted to Westworld and didn’t want to leave and invested heavily in it. Hanging out in Westworld to do what he wanted and live out true freedom instead of being stuck in the real world and forced to be a boring corporate executive because Serac says so. It even makes sense

All those years of living in Brazil made Cassel speak incredibly good Portuguese. Way better than the guy playing the Brazilian President.

People started breaking windows and tipping over planters (HORROR of horrors) within like 5 minutes of getting that email.

And that motorcycle had only 2 days until retirement!

At first I thought Engerraund (it’s time it start using his first name since his brother is Serac too and doesn’t have the first name but it’s not easy) was telling this story to Maeve but he was clearly talking to Rehoboam itself. But soon it became clear these were the files on him Dolores was watching. And then

I’m against Dolores now because she sacrificed that innocent, loyal motorcycle.

I hoped those markers were washable!  But she was quite on point for how the YouTube videos are done.

I honestly haven’t watched SNL in years (I think the Homeland SNL parody was the last episode I watched first-run), but for some reason it was comforting to watch ‘just-produced’ content on TV right now.

I was prepared to just cut it a lot of slack but I thought everything (save Baldwin’s Trump) worked pretty well. It’s a good thing, I think, that most of the pieces were one-handers; there seems to have been less of a Lorne filter this week which let some of the cast really do their thing. Fineman was the big winner

Kudos to whoever wrote the “breaking news” scrolling at the bottom of the Sky Sports sketch.

For me, Heidi Gardner was the MVP of the episode as her few bits had a sense of energy to them. Also the Gismert video having only 50 views and more downvotes than upvotes was both amusing and slightly heartbreaking. She’s trying, y’all, she’s trying.

If there were ever a time to leave a letter grade out of the mix, this probably could have been it.

Even if it wasn’t the best ever, it was definitely nice to see some version of SNL. I actually thought it was pretty solid. I loved (as I usually do) the Kyle and Beck weirdness, lol.

I just want to say big ups to Crystal Methyd’s mother AND father both being down with having an openly gay son who’s also a drag queen.

“The sheer amount of privilege that Drag Race allows coming straight into the competition means it’s not a level playing field for everyone”

This is the most intense thing that I’ve ever read in my life. 

Just when I thought I couldn’t like AOC more, she had to go on Drag Race.